SONY TC-D5/D5M/D5Pro/D5Pro II new rubber set

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Valentin, Jun 5, 2022.


Are you willing to support the development of a new rubber set for the mentioned devices ?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I wanted to create this thread for a long time and the time has finally come to do so.
    Given the above mentioned devices are quite popular among collectors, I think have new rubber set for them is essential in keeping them working in the long run.
    As some of you already know, these devices suffer from old rubber, being in need of a replcement set to properly service them. Otherwise solutions like sanding or treating rubber with "Rubber Renue" will only solve the problems temporarily.

    Typical problems are no FF/REW, low takeup torque (or even no rotation of takeup reel at all), noisy operation of mechanism (due to aged capstan ring). In some cases, old rubber is simply disintegrating.
    As stated before, the only long term solution is replacing the rubber with custom designed new parts.

    @mihokm can make these parts if we will support him with the money for R&D and prototyping. He stated in an older thread that he needs to sell about 2000euros to cover the R&D costs.
    Don't quote me on that, as I may remember wrong and prices may have changed in the meantime. However, the overall ballpark figure is probably still valid.

    I think if we can cover that cost (or close to it), we will have a custom rubber set in the future. We also have to realise that the more of us are willing to support such a project, the less the individual cost will be.
    As it was the case with DD center gear, supporting these R&D costs will also render those of you who support with a new rubber set.

    Of course, @mihokm will have to approve the idea himself, but I think a lot of support from us can be a very good start.
    Raul and autoreverser like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Good luck, unfortunately I don't any of those units so I'm out but you know how it is, now I'll find a few.....
    Raul likes this.
  3. Chris_D

    Chris_D Active Member

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    I think a better approach would be for Marian to band together with spare parts dealers such as and well-known (commercial) techs in order to define and verify commercial viability and pledges of interest in order to give him at least some element of shared risk/cost before going on to develop something.
    I'd suggest that we could support the idea better by supplying names of entities that could be interested in the venture.
    As it is, here on this forum there's a few D5* owners who (might) be interested and that simply won't support a venture with that level of capex requirement.
    I think a logical first step would be for Marian to outline the enterprise requirements in clear terms first rather than basing any decision on any optimistic desire a few of us here may have to have spare rubber parts available at some point.
    I'd certainly be interested in any case. I need a FF idler to start with!
    Raul likes this.
  4. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    As mister x I don't have any of these units ... but every now and then I repair something ... and the spare parts can be useful
    autoreverser likes this.
  5. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    @Chris_D Marian has stated what I am saying in an older thread from 2018-2019, but I cannot seem to find that thread at this point. Can't even remember if it was posted here or on tapeheads. If anyone finds it, please link it here.
    Anyway, I think he is the one to decide and manage his own project as he has done it before many times and don't think he needs an external manager to do this. Even if he does, that's his decision alone to make, not ours.

    The main idea of my question is to find out if enough people are willing to contribute to such a project and give 30-40euros in advance. Cause if there are only 5 people willing to do so, there's no point in doing anything more.
    If there are 50 people willing to contribute, then I'm sure Marian can lay out the plan in much more clear terms (which he already did in the other thread).

    People reading this must realise a complete rubber set (like the one for D6/D6C) will be required at some point in the near future regardless. There are 4 rubber tires (2 for FF, 1 for REW, 1 for PLAY), 1 capstan ring, 3 belts on these devices and they all go bad.
    For example, the TC-D5M in my collection (and others I have repaired) may work fine at the moment, but at some point rubber will simply become like plastic and disintegrate. On some devices it has already happened and they are unrepairable.
    The question is simple: do we need to wait until these rubber parts completely fail or should we invest in the development of a replacement set ? Especially given the 30-40 euros/person doesn't really seem that much to me.

    Marian is pretty busy, so it will probably take some time until he will reply. However, in the meantime, all of you can vote so we have an idea if people are willing to crowdfund such a project or not (as that was the main concern Marian stated in the other thread).

    @Silver965 Thank you for your feedback ! The question is mostly targeted at people that are either repairing these devices or have them/intend to have them in their personal collection. It's obvious that not all members will be interested in equal measure and that's ok.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
    autoreverser likes this.
  6. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    i‘m in…
    Raul and Valentin like this.
  7. Deb64

    Deb64 Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Leicestershire, England
    I'm in too. I sometimes get asked about refurbishing the TC-D5 models and I would like to be able to replace the rubber parts. Also I have a TC-D5M of my own which I would like to return to its former glory.
    These are excellent cassette recorders which merit full refurbishment.
    Raul, Emiel and Valentin like this.
  8. SoloK333777

    SoloK333777 New Member

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    Seattle, WA, USA
    -LV-, Raul and Valentin like this.
  9. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    No, the topic wasn't updated elsewhere. Thanks for the link !

    I will do some updates as well:
    1. Marian has stated that because the capstan ring is very hard to remove on some units, he cannot sell a replacement one as a DIY kit. That is indeed a problem I have seen myself.
    At the current number of backers (9), the cost per person will be around 222euros so it's probably too high for people to support the project anyway.
    2. In the meantime, I did find myself replacements for the T-shaped play idler. For the capstan ring I knew a source before, but the quality of the part is not as good as the original,
    being made form natural rubber and not as uniform, so that one will render higher wow&flutter than the specification and it's why I have not shared it.

    The belt kit is available from DeckTech:
    The T-shaped idler: (link not working anymore, product has either been re-listed or it's no longer available)
    The capstan ring I was reffering to seems to be out of stock at the moment, so in case it comes back in stock I will update the thread later on.

    The rubber on Yahoo Japan looks to be of very good quality, the seller has even provided a measurement of wow&flutter showing a figure lower than the specification.
    However the kit is not exactly cheap and importing it from Japan will add to the cost (VAT and shipping), so I expect the final amount for someone in Europe or US to be $150 or more.
    Considering a TC-D5M can be found for as little as $200-300 in good cosmetic condition and with rubber in restorable condition, the value of such kit is unfortunately debatable.
    Compared to the cost of a D6C rubber set which contains 2 idlers, 2 belts and 1 capstan ring ($14.5 at FixYourAudio), this one is more than 6 times the cost despite it only contains 1 more belt and 2 more idlers.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    Raul and SoloK333777 like this.
  10. SoloK333777

    SoloK333777 New Member

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    Seattle, WA, USA
    I would predict that it would cost me 30-40 dollars additionally at max, so it would be closer to 110/120 dollars for me in Seattle, but I understand what you mean. I'm glad we were able to post some updates!

    I also think there's a much bigger market for the tc d5 parts than we think, but it seems hard to actually get people together in one forum (and one language, haha).
  11. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    The English Riviera
    Count me in
    Raul likes this.
  12. Piccolo

    Piccolo New Member

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    Count me in as well ;-) I'm very pleased with my TC-D5m (and many other Sony Walkmans)
    Raul likes this.
  13. YoungerthanThat

    YoungerthanThat New Member

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    Count me in.
    Raul likes this.
  14. walkmandude

    walkmandude New Member

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    Upstate South Carolina
    Haha I am the only no vote so far. I don't own a D5 so couldnt hit yes, but had to see those results :) I have been close to hitting the buy button on a D5 a few times but the lack of quality replacement rubber parts has stopped me.
  15. revmex

    revmex New Member

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    I’m new here but I’m in
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  16. Raul

    Raul Active Member

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    Few words about this seller from YA Japan - he sells walkamns that looks like new cosmeticaly. Havent bought anything from him as his walkmans costs A LOT.
    He has only one negative out of more than 1000 votes. I dont think its NOS parts as after 40 years they wouldnt be the same quality anyway.
    Maybe, if you could somehow contact him and said that he could sale 100 of those but negotiate sensible price (40-50$) that would make him consider.
  17. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    In regard to the Japanese seller: apart from price, there's another problem: he doesn't seem to re-list many of such items.
    So it's possible he's selling these elsewhere and YAJ is not his main platform. That's why I cannot recommend a part that you may be able to get once, but would struggle to buy a second time.

    However, I am happy to announce have tested some idler tires that are available for sale and am happy with the result.
    There is also a capstan ring available (it's the second one I see), but this one have not tested as it visually it looks worse than the original (see the back).
    However, if the original capstan ring is beyond repair this is still a viable option in my opinion, just don't expect you will obtain the original W&F spec, but something closer to 0.1% WRMS.

    Capstan ring -
    FF/REW idler tires - (you need 2 of these)
    To be noted FF has a second idler which isn't available, but that typically doesn't fail and can be sanded.
    T-shaped idler (for PLAY) - (you need 1 pcs)

    There is also a listing selling a kit containing the 2 FF/REW idler, T-shaped idler and main belt:
    This is something a forum member has shared with me, he tested the kit and was happy with the results.
    As it can be seen this kit has visible molding leftovers, but these can be sanded at the end of day.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
    Walkmanlover, -LV- and Cassette2go like this.
  18. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Can you add pictures of these models rather than a model number? Because I don't know what these models look like as I am a visual person but not one to keep up with all the different model numbers that are out there so to help me know what I have. I've been thinking of making individual threads of all the different models I have cuz I don't know if some of them are desirable or not.
    Everybody just tosses out model numbers and doesn't add any pictures and so it's really hard to know what these are because there's differences from different year models and different countries and just so many different variables that someone tosses out a model number and expect us to instantly know what that is. Some of you do know these models but some of these I don't know. So pictures would be very helpful to identify what these models are. Can you help me with this? Thanks!.
  19. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I think that's a very good idea. After all, if you're interested to find out more info about your units, you should create threads dedicated to that not post randomly on every other related thread.
    Yes there are and it doesn't really matter. If it's a TC-D5 they all look mostly identical, only visible differences are some have XLR inputs some have RCAs.
    I can help you in regard to creating separate threads regarding some models I'm familiar with. We can even add info about different markets where such info is available, even brochures for more info.
    Here I'm not going to add pictures, because the thread isn't about that. The TC-D5 and its relatives is a very well known portable field recorder, if you don't know it you can Google it.
    I know you don't like googling things, but expecting others members to do it for you and post the pictures is a bit unreasonable in my opinion.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
  20. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Here I'm not going to add pictures, because the thread isn't about that. The TC-D5 and its relatives is a very well known portable field recorder, if you don't know it you can Google it.
    (very well known portable field recorder) not to me....
    I am just saying if there was as picture of the model for reference to instantly know what to look for as something that are googled come up with some "other picture of? and then I spend time chasing after that ??? only to find out it is the WRONG item, and thus time wasted....

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