Zenmarket is quite nice proxy for shopping in Japan. It has nice feature that when you buy things and ship quite a lot packages you get 'credit', you can buy things and pay the credit later. For example it could be 20000 yen. Nice thing, sometimes I used credit if I wanted something and it went for bit more than I expected. 99 times of 100 using it is not a problem with exception that happend to me sometime ago. I was bidding on a walkman and it had the buy out price (let's say 25000 yen, there are 2 buttons, 1 for buy now, and 1 for bid on zenmarket) and bid was half of that. Ok, I've thought, last bid and either I win or I lose. I've put (or at least I was pretty sure of that) 13100 yen and made a bid. To my huge suprise, the auction ended with me being a winner. I've bought it. Ok, I thought, something is not right. If I made mistake and made 131000 yen bid, zenmarket shouldn't have bid that much because even with credit I didn't have enough money to buy it (normally you just can't bid if bid is higher that what you have on account + credit). I asked zenmarket - first they lied I've used buy now button and then they've said that even though my bid couldn't be done with the amount I've bid, system proceeded with max amount I had WITH credit! Which actually was just enough to realise buy now. Few things to consider for buyers on zenmarket: 1. There is no safety in bid on zenmarket. I wish they wrote that my bid is higher than buy now clause and If I want to change the amount or proceed. 2. If it was normal auction without buy now, I would surely end buying it cheaper (no one would bid that high). 3. If the bid was 1 yen higher than money+credit it wouldn't go through with message that I cannot bid that high. So Zenmarket is 'safe'. 4. I'm not saying I didn't make mistake, but it's beyond me that there is a program which decides what was my intention even thought it should have stopped this bid as to high (out of my amount limit). I suggested to zenmarket to make changes, because it could end very bad, even worse than my buy. If it will help anybody, at least my mistake won't go to waste.
Thanks for the heads up on the Zen market situation,,, I use their service,, loads of extra costs,,, have never applied for credit though,,, personally consider it is always best to pay up front what you can budget for on the day! Have seen too many get in to trouble with credit,,, that just relates to interest charges,,! Your situation quite different though,, definitely a trap to be aware of. I do hope however that the piece you purchased was a very good example!
This credit system in Zenmarket is automatic. I usually use it as the last resort if the price of what I bid is higher and I don't have time transfer money. It usually works well but in this kind of sitution it backfired. After fays of talking with Zenmarket they say they won't do anything with this. And they said they don't know how it happens but it's definitely not their fault. Of course I could leave it to them as their problem but I feel that was mostly my fault for not checking the bid amount. This walkman isn't in the best condition sadly, only good.
Sure, I thought that some of you use Zenmarket and when there is bid with buy now price you can accidentaly win it for higher amount that you would like to