Have anybody heard something about this walkman ? I found it here https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m49044726129?conversionType=service_page_search
I have it. Its good for those who don't know how to listen to cassette and have no idea of how cassette player work! So they can listen to a cassette with a low quality. otherwise it is useless. don't waste money on it.
You cannot find a good walkman built in the last 20 years. The best walkman that you can get is still a sony DD walkman.
Twenty years takes us back to 2003. Sony we’re still selling (cheap) cassette walkmans in 2011. Although the DD walkmans were undoubtably great when they were new cracked years could make it expensive to get a working one now. I wonder what the best purchase would be now. Here is Techmoan’s opinion from a few years ago . From a price / performance point of view Awia had some interesting models.