Hello everyone! I’m sorry I’m advance if I mess up anything I’m new to the forum. I was listening to some of my dads old recorded mixtapes with my Sony wm-d6c and then all of a sudden audio stopped coming from the right headphone as well as the tape started to slowly sound like it was under water. I tried swapping tapes and then tried swapping headphones and the issue still persisted. I tried looking it up and couldn’t find much other than some people suggesting it was a bad solder joint or a busted capacitor. Can anyone point me in the direction of a trusted person I can send it out to and get it repaired it would be nice if they were in the United States but I don’t have a problem shipping it to the UK if that’s what I have to do. -Brody
Hi there! If you dont have any luck finding a repair service in the states then this guy in the UK does a great job with D6C's - https://www.audiophilesclinic.co.uk/