New way to adjust WM-DD FF/REW gear skip

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Valentin, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    This thread covers a new method for adjusting skipping teeth on FF and/or REW on SONY WM-DD series walkmans.
    It applies to all units that use a center-gear type mechanism: WM-DD, WM-DDII, WM-DDIII, WM-DD100, WM-DC2, WM-DD30, WM-DD33, WM-D3.

    The problem is described in the original tutorial found here: (points 11 and 12).
    Do note that you need to test the walkman upside down (cassette door facing up) as well as there are situations where FF and REW work fine when unit is operated in the normal position, but will skip teeth when upside down.

    What is described in the original tutorial is quite hard to do because it involves removing the center gear to properly bend the arm and not risk bending the shaft on which the arm slides.
    Given this and the fact I prefer to not bend the gear arm at all, I thought of an alternative solution which I have tested for quite a while and works well.
    On the method described below, you only need to desolder the head wires, tilt the PCB and remove the FF/REW buttons.

    Instead of bending the gear arm, this method involves sticking a very small piece of cloth-type electrical tape right where the button is pressing.
    Depending on how much warp there is in the center disc of your particular walkman, you may need 1 or 2 pieces of electrical tape.
    Start with 1 piece, test and then apply a second piece on top if necessary.
    When you are satisfied with the result, add 2 small drops of liquid super glue on 2 opposite sides so the tape will remain there.

    It is obvious that you should clean any grease that was there before and not put grease after you do this repair as it won't be needed anymore.

    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
    mattb1970, Transcept, Raul and 4 others like this.
  2. Rune Lindman

    Rune Lindman Active Member

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