Hi, I understand the best place add in a bluetooth interface is the tape/radio selector in a GF9090 - with the radio signal passing through the bluetooth board unless there is a bluetooth connection. I can't see where to physically break out the radio from the tape radio selector. Does anyone know the GF9090 well enough to be able to offer guidance? Much appreciated
...wouldn't one of those do ? https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fr...3.m570.l1313&_nkw=bluetooth+cassette&_sacat=0
hi, the radio output is marked in red with arrows to the right and ends up in the double diverter on the left that lets the audio enter the preamplifier the switch exchanges the audio from the tape and the radio you can create an input line ... by placing a double external diverter on the back cover which allows you to let another audio signal enter the radio output See example