Did anybody owned such deck : https://buyee.jp/paypayfleamarket/item/z260624070?conversionType=service_page_search looks very interesting
Confrontation au sommet :Teac V8030 et JVC TDV621 - Le forum Audiovintage Sur ce forum, une personne décrit son expérience
Thanx for information - @ Longman - what means "...outside of Japan " ? @ LIVO - i here have one TEAC 7030S, but it´s not so brilliant - we talked about it here, that this deck is described as one of the most beautiful, otherwise disappointing decks...
JVC = Japan Victor Company A similar situation to the use of National, National Panasonic, and Panasonic brands in different regions as a National Radio was already an established company in the USA. I have just thought of another one. Philips and Norelco. In the 1960s Philips was deemed to be too similar to established American company Philco. At least Sony managed to pick a name that wasn't already in use.
High end decks newer than 1986 were non-existant over here in my local searches. Nakamichi was the exception, they turn up every once in a while. I personally was brain-washed by my neighbor who talked about how great Naks were and I think the buying public felt the same so we never saw high-end decks from other manufacturers. Longman, don't forget TRIO (Japan), Kenwood (USA). JVC/Victor also used Nivco in the early 70's.
Yes that is another example I had forgotten about. In the U.K. they used the Trio name for years because Kenwood is the brand name of a popular range of food mixers invented by Mr Kenneth Wood. https://www.currys.co.uk/products/k...stand-mixer-with-blender-silver-10195143.html When they eventually got permission to share the name their announcement was something like "We would rather be associated with quality kitchen appliances than chocolate bars" since the Trio name was also used on those.
Proving it wasn't my imagination https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126192582743 Trio / Kenwood were and are one of the three most famous Japanese names in Ham Radio gear. My first rig was a Trio TR-2200. I probably saw the news of the name change in a Ham radio magazine.
I have a Kenwood KX-54 that I bought from a summer’s fruit picking wages in the mid 80s. Kenwood branding on the front, still Trio on the rear panel. It’s at my Mum’s, so no pic just now, but here’s a stock shot…
I can't see the model in this link. Therefore I can't comment unless you can post a picture then I can tell you about it
Ok I found it {Victor TD-V731 3-head stereo cassette deck } - and then I found one for a 'one day sale' . Victor TD-V731 3-head stereo cassette deck Recording and playback possible Details unconfirmed Junk 35,000 yen (US$ 228.20 https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/o1066796642 https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/o1066796642 Victor TD-V731 3-head stereo cassette deck Recording and playback possible Details unconfirmed Junk 35,000 yen (US$ 228.20 Opening Time (JST) 8 Jul 2024 23:33:45 Closing Time (JST) 9 Jul 2024 23:33:45 (translated to English) - grate so I can raed it! During testing, I was able to record and play, and fast forward and rewind for a short time . Since stable operation for a long time has not been confirmed, I will list it as junk with no guarantee . I do not guarantee the test results. The headphone volume is noticeable. The panel has aged and is dirty. The letters on Victor machines are easy to peel off, so they have not been cleaned. Please understand. Please read all of the following before bidding on the main unit only . Please use the transaction navigation only if there is a problem with the transaction. There is no need to contact us with messages such as [Thank you], [I have made the payment], or [I have received it] . Please enter the form provided by Yahoo! Auctions and proceed with the transaction in a businesslike manner. We do not accommodate individual requests for packaging or delivery. We do not hand over the item or transfer it directly to a bank account. There is no guarantee for junk items. The description is based on our simple confirmation and is already defective, so it may deteriorate during storage or may work differently at the time of delivery. Even in such cases, we cannot accept returns or discounts. We do not write numbers or IDs on slips or boxes, which is common among agents. If necessary, please insert them into the shipping information and contact us. ○If we determine that you are a non-stock reseller on Amazon, Yahoo Shopping, our own website, etc., we will delete you without notice. ○We do not deliver to any place other than the delivery address entered. ○We do not accept discounts or negotiations on shipping charges after asking questions. Once you have received it, we will blacklist you. ○We do not accept date and time specifications even for possible delivery methods, and all items will be shipped without specification. ○For non-standard shipping, simple packaging will be used within the thickness limit. If the product is 2 cm thick or more, it may be simply placed in an envelope without cushioning. If you would like it packed firmly, please contact us and say "non-standard is OK". ○We do not guarantee any damage, non-delivery, or malfunction upon arrival for non-standard mail. We have not provided shipping information when it has not arrived, and we have not cooperated with the post office in searching for it in the past, as we have not found any cases in the past. Please use it at your own risk after understanding the risks. ○We do not issue receipts. Please use the screen print at the end of easy payment. ○We do not answer questions about product specifications, compatibility, etc. Please search by model number yourself and check with the manufacturer. ○If you have any questions, please contact us at once. ○For guarantees on used items other than junk, please see the self-introduction section. ○For items with guarantees (items that are not marked as junk or without guarantee), please check the operation before receiving the item. If it is before receiving the item, we will cancel the easy payment and return the amount you paid. If a refund is required after receiving the item, we will refund only the "actual amount paid" by "PayPay Money Light transfer". If you do not have an account, please open one. Coupons, discounts, and cashbacks from Yahoo! Auctions campaigns are not eligible for refunds. Please send us a copy of the screen after payment is completed to our email address.