Headphones Required

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Transistorized, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    Not sure how many of you have a decent set of headphones close by....but if you do and you can tolerate Simon and Garfunkel (Sound of Silence) you will absolutely Love this clip.

    We all have that one box that isn't the popular hit as far as the world is concerned but is our own personal grail for one reason or another.

    I have one such box. Its the General Electric Model 3-5267A. This was my first real radio and it took me 10 years of searching to locate another one to purchase. I still have my original but this one I refreshed the speakers with a set of Kenwoods and went through it entirely. It is now a reliable daily box now.

    In this video I am running off of batteries. Had I used AC the dial light would've illuminated the FM/AM banner. Of all the features this box has the feature that surprises me the most is how well the Stereo Accent feature sounds. Panasonic did it right with their Ambient Sound but whoever was in charge with this GE model really hit it off.

    Please note: You need good headphones plugged in to your tablet or Computer to really appreciate the Stereo Accent. My phone picked it up fairly well.

    This is on my dropbox account. You are able to view streaming right from dropbox or you can download and watch it on your own computer anytime. If you do not have a dropbox account, a sign in box may pop up. You do not need to register. Simply click "no thanks. proceed to video" at the bottom and enjoy.

  2. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Thats really impressive, im sure it doesnt come through accurately on camera but the difference and prescence is very noticeable.

    Looks like a cool box to, soft touch, nice LED meters and it just looks "right". Gorgeous
    Transistorized likes this.
  3. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Please note: You need good headphones plugged in to your tablet or Computer to really appreciate the Stereo Accent. My phone picked it up fairly well

    Or a set of Logitech Z2300 2.1's :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
    Often described as the finest 2.1 speakers ever made!! They are awesome & these video's show it!!
    Transistorized likes this.
  4. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Lovely Lovely Stereo - Have always wanted one of these!!

    Stereo mode sounds just right, stereo wide sounds awful :( To be fair, every boomer without exception ruins the stereo recording completely..........it was an awful idea but a cheap one to implement across the board which is why so many had this horrid feature!! Stereo is how music is/was recorded back then so why would anyone want to listen to part of the audio 'sent' to the other channel?? it's horrid - but I love that GE & totally u/stand why you so love it, a very beautiful stereo indeed!! :reelspin: :reelspin: :reelspin: :reelspin:

    Are you using your Samsung S7 Edge to record these videos? it sounds ace! I have one too & it captures the full dynamic range so well!
    Transistorized likes this.
  5. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    Much appreciated T-ster and nickeccles. I'm impressed on how well cell phones can record these days. Those Kenwood Speakers I put in that GE really worked well and the fact that they were gray with chrome center caps just made this box pop.

    Thanks nickeccles. This box is special to me and I have never ran into anyone at a meet with the exact same box. Usually there are multiple Conions and M90's and it's great to socialize and belong to that group but this box is one that slipped below the radar and disappeared. As far as the recording, I was using my Samsung S7 edge. I agree with the stereo accent on most songs. Vocals with a little instrumentals aren't bad but most songs I do leave it turned off as it adds a hall/echo effect that doesn't agree with some songs. In the kitchen it's weird hearing sound that appears to be coming behind you when you know its all coming out in front of you. Really plays tricks on your ears and is quite impressive.

    You will love the unaltered playback of the M90. Play this over your Logitech speakers and let me know what you think. I made this recording on my phone for a fellow member who wanted to hear one. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n66jy1y1p1pi0dn/20170403_193633.mp4?dl=0

    The music selected might not necessarily be everyone's cup of tea but I try to accompany as wide of a range of viewers as possible.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  6. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Already got the M90 video buddy! As well as the boomer I am amazed yet again with the Samsung audio recording, it is extraordinary! The track choice was good too, those synths just fade in during the intro & the track is of course now legendary - back in 1985 we all heard it too much but now many of us are jolly well grown up now & heard on a quality system, it's just magic :biggrin:
    Like I said, those chords fading in are just the best!!

    The sound was recorded just right too, I often have mine up too loud when videoing so I end up with a 4K stunning video with the audio limiter having a fit due to playing the boomer too loud :lollegs::lollegs:

    Ah well, I will learn...................
    Transistorized likes this.
  7. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    We have much in common :biggrin: I tend to do the same thing. The phone will reduce its input level to avoid distortion and it really messes up the recording. When recording I want to blast it and I have to remember that I am deaf and the camera isn't :laugh:
    nickeccles likes this.
  8. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Two more 'Attempts' with varied results!!

    8164 has such a 'Big Sound' & the S7 Edge's audio limiter struggles a bit :shock There is in fact no distortion in reality, the bass from the Philips is just so deep & I think the volume may have been a little high too :(
    It's still trial & error...........

    Now, the JVC Compo...............

    Interestingly, the S7 is saying what my thoughts are - I NEED some decent speakers!! :)

    The 'Full Range' idea just doesn't work here, one single driver simply lets the whole Compo down :(
    You should hear it driving my floorstanders!! It's a revelation & the experience propelled me to the computer to find some sensitive (90 db) JBL co-axial replacements!! This Compo deserves decent speakers, it is a performer no question & a really nice stereo to own!!

    There will be a new separate thread detailing the speaker replacement any day soon!!

    First up is the D8614 then the JVC Compo:

    Again, HEADPHONES mandatory!! :headphones: :headphones: :headphones:
    Transistorized likes this.
  9. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    This is great! I would like to use YouTube but they keep slapping me with copyright. Do you have any issue with that nickeccles? Maybe I'll try them again. Facebook even took my Conion upload off for copyright :shakehead:

    Such a shame about Glen Frey. Hard to imagine he is gone now. A bunch of good artists are leaving us sadly. At least we have our boomers and their songs to remember them by
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
    nickeccles likes this.
  10. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Try just using the name of the boomer & no mention of the song - that may work!!

    I upload in 4K now all the time & it's always fine!

    With Fb use the 'remove all file properties' in windows & rename a copy of the file 1

    That works for me every time - any hint of content will alert the Fb police who are complete fookin turkeys :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    Love Glen Frey & Don Henley........Americana at it's finest! :headphones: :headphones: :headphones:
    Radio Raheem and Transistorized like this.
  11. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    Me too. I tell ya...that Phillips blows the JVC out of the water in terms of highs and lows. You can tell that Phillips has a good warm sound. I like that one :)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017
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  12. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Philips is extraordinary no question - Imagine the buzz it created here in England in 1982/3

    I searched years to find a good one & it is always a delight to power her up!

    Love everything about this model, but the sound is better than you would ever expect :wink:

    Stand by for the speaker transplant on the JVC Compo in the next day or 2!!
    Transistorized likes this.
  13. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    New Tripod on way to me!!

    Watch out for many more carefully shot boomers very soon with stereo sound of course :headphones: :headphones: :headphones:
    Transistorized likes this.
  14. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    Excellent...Looking forward to that :)
  15. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    You hit the nail on the head there transistorized, listning to the m90 never gets old, been doing it for about 15 years now haha

    great thread btw wish i could join in but i struggle with photos never mind video haha

    waiting for wish you were here, god bless
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
    Transistorized likes this.
  16. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Well, Tripod here & I have been experimenting all day :wink: :wink: :wink:

    I have picked tracks which are difficult to reproduce on a good turntable or CD player, let alone a cassette machine :crazy

    All tracks taken from CD's & fed via a CD player straight into the Technics RS-B655 onto brand new BASF Chrome Cassettes (My personal choice for the last 40 years!!)

    Sustained piano notes & indeed, normal notes along with acoustic guitars are a real challenge for any cassette machine which is why I used my current favourite machine, the JVC Compo (With it's smart newly painted speaker drivers that now match!!) & I think anyone would agree, the stability & this decks ability to reproduce an amazing sound :reelspin: :reelspin:

    Token Dire Straits track once again featured to demonstrate the amazing difference the speaker transplant has made! :headphones: :headphones: :headphones:

    Anyway, enough waffle..............Headphones or proper speakers on & hear for yourselves :wink: :wink: :wink:

    My Online Videos In Full Quality:


    Only 4K since I got my S7 Edge last Summer!!
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
    Mystic Traveller likes this.
  17. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    My latest find: A Fisher PH-460LG Compo System, now fully restored & repaired!!

    I love this thing :wink: :wink: :wink:

    Sounds big & goes loud!!

  18. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Today We Compare:

    Two Large Compo's, The Mighty Maximal 3040 vs The Massive Silver SR-8800L :headphones: :headphones: :headphones:

    Get those headphones on or your decent PC 2.1 speakers!!

    I tried to create the same conditions for each stereo - Line in as the mammoth job of repairing the Silver's cassette deck has not yet happened :reelspin: :reelspin:

    I love both of these but there is a clear winner...........

    Same track - Rca inputs on the Silver, Din adapter on the Maximal coupling the Rca's to Din!!

    & a really smart piece of music - the title track to one of if not the best albums of the 1970's...........This album has followed me throughout my entire teen & adult life & still stands up today, it is just magic!!

    :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: :headphones:

  19. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    Nice Job Nick!!! I really like that Fisher. Of the Maximal and the Silver my ears liked the Silver model better. The Maximal had more midrange however. The ones with the cassettes playing...they all play well. Good job on the repairs.

    Got something to add today. Will put it below this post :ok
  20. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    A video inside my company vehicle of my Panasonic Walkman. For the last year I have been trying to get it playing perfect. A screw was loose and jammed it up a few days ago. Never could find where it went but it plays GREAT now.

    Excellent Sound with Headphones. Check out my Walkman video. New belts, extensively cleaned pinch rollers, adjusted motor speed and oiled. My childhood Panny sings better than new.


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