Questions: JVC KD-V6 operation/troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by Dfcruiser, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Dfcruiser

    Dfcruiser Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Columbia SC
    @Valentin : I've never read any requirements for membership... since I've retired, I see many of my old vendors and forum friends retiring themselves, becoming less active online... maybe that's what's happened. I hope that's not the case... if it is, I hope someone can help keep it going!

    Just let me know if you need something!
  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I've never read about requirements for membership either.
    Looking at some screenshots posted on the below threads, I realise there were a lot of accounts deleted in the past couple of years, more than 100.000 (including active members who uploaded).
    The account deletes seem to be primarily related to IP adresses.

    This thread on EEVBlog (see post #21-22) seems to confirm this:!!!/
    And this:
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  3. Dfcruiser

    Dfcruiser Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Columbia SC
    @Valentin : OK, very informative! Thanks for that info!!
    I've run into the mirror site!
    In the last year, when I would google for components + include "vinylengine" or HIFiengine in the search terms, results come up that charge for the documents! I've learned to go directly to the sites to avoid these mirror sites... I didn't understand thats what they were.
    The bit about deleting or blocking certain countries: maybe that was a defensive reaction based on where the mirror site is located?
    I have no idea how you would protect against something like that, hopefully he's kept up with some of the deleted accounts so honest members can be re-admitted....
    It's a shame everywhere seems to have bad players that ruin it for honest people...
    In the meantime, just let me help you.
  4. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Had no idea about the mirror sites, never run into those. Indeed such sites would be a problem and there must be means to stop such abuse, no doubt.
    However the solution the administrator is implementing is terrible in my opinion and not how you deal with such problems.
    Imagine if YouTube, Google, etc. had a security problem coming from a French IP adress and their solution would be to block all French IPs or a certain ISP.
    It would be very disproportionate and unreasonable. Not to mention such solution implies more and more IPs will have to be banned over time.

    What they need to do is secure their website so accounts cannot be made by bots, introduce 2 factor authentication, captcha, etc. not blocking registration altogether.
    They can also limit the number of downloads made per day or in a certain timeframe like elektrotanya or freeservicemanuals are doing.
    Also accounts should be deleted because they actually did something against the rules, not because they have used a certain IP adress.
    The measures he has taken suggests he simply doesn't care who is honest and who isn't.
    Bad players exist everywhere, but it's not good player's fault that they exist. It's up to the admin to find soultions to remove bad players from the game.
    Will do, when I need will send you a private message and ask. What I needed when I discovered my account was deleted I got already, so there's nothing I need now.

    If you think the discussion is relevant, we can create a separate thread about the HiFiengine problem. Maybe someone from their team reads it.

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