As the title implies I’m looking for something like the PPA DBX decoder for Walkman’s but for Dolby? And if there are they a reasonable price on eBay?
Hi Anthony. I'm not aware of the existence of an accesory like that. But given the actual technology I think someone can maybe build it.
I though you had one of these walkman archive? I'd look at Japanese Auctions, you might get one easier and cheaper. (SOLD! $67 USD)
Oh, yes, I have one brand new in box. But Anthony was asking for something similar but for Dolby... Maybe I'm wrong but as far as I remember this gadget doesn't support Dolby... but wait, my memory fails me after 3 years being totally out of this hobby. Let me research a bit... Ok, after writing this I've researched in my computer and found the original dbx Catalog where it says "ia also includes dbx B" but no mention to Dolby B. In Tapeheads someone says this was dbx' attempt to emulate Dolby B, so maybe it's compatible... I really don't know. It may be...