Sony MDR-3L2 Knock-off headphones.

Discussion in 'I found this!' started by Dauner, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. Dauner

    Dauner New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Hudson, WI
    I spent a bit of time with Google and various forums and can't find another example of these. Of course they must have made many thousands, but sure not easy to find with search. google Lens just shows the real thing. I can't believe they went to so much trouble to duplicate the Sony design. I don't have any MDR-3l2's so can't do a detailed dimensional comparison, but gosh they did a good job. roughly same color, features look same, 16X5 hole arrays, etc. It's almost like somebody bought the old tooling and tweaked for the "Made in Taiwan". Foams are doing the typical fading of vintage foam so I assume these are also vintage. How vintage would be hard to say. Anyone know anything about these or ever seen them before? "Micro" brand MSC-3. As I assume everyone is wondering, they sound pretty meadiocre. Thin, with no bass. I assume very inexpensive drivers.


    mark Micro 5.jpg Micro 3.jpg Micro 4.jpg Micro 2.jpg Micro 1.jpg
    The_Docmeister, jacobsteel and Emiel like this.
  2. p.will.coe.

    p.will.coe. New Member

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    Middle of the USA
    No idea, but makes me think of RadioShack headphones that were actually made by Koss.

    So maybe Sony produced these for another company.
  3. Dauner

    Dauner New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Hudson, WI
    I suppose it’s certainly possible but would seem odd for Sony to produce an inferior branded product for someone else that is a near exact duplicate. I know Pioneer manufactured for Allied, along with other examples, but not where items were visually so similar. Again, I can’t find a single picture of these anywhere on the web. Did some quick searching for Radio Shack, Micro, Koss, etc. Eventually someone will see my thread and know exactly what they are.

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