TPS-L2 broken clutch gear

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Valentin, May 12, 2024.

  1. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    This thread covers a problem with the clutch gear on the following walkmans: TCM-600, TPS-L2, WM-3, WM-D6, WM-D6C.

    Symptom of this gear failure will be very low takeup torque and a clicking sound during fast forward.
    From what I've seen so far this failure is relatively rare, but seeing more and more people reporting it.
    Think the failure is related to storage temperature as POM material shrinks at high temperatures and this gear is a very tight press fit.
    There are 2 solutions: repair the old gear or replace. While repair can be done, it's difficult since you need to:
    1. Glue the gear on the shaft at the exact height needed so there will be very little up-down play once the reel retainer is installed.
    2. Glue the gear on the shaft straight, not at an angle.
    Repair implies glueing the cracks in the gear, enlarge the center hole with a drillbit (so it's no longer a press fit), the glue the gear to the shaft.

    Since the repair is involved, I will recommend replacement instead. Gear is available here: and here

    Replacement implies the disassembly of auto-stop mechanism and removal of the table reel brass retainer.
    Retainer is a very tight press fit, a puller being an absolute must. Puller available here:
    So the process goes like this:
    1. Disassemble the walkman to gain access to the clutch assembly.
    2. Remove the auto-stop mechanism.
    3. Remove the brass retainer using the puller. Note the top washer is likely to get damaged in the process. Sand it before reusing.
    4. Remove the clutch assembly and the old gear.
    5. Remove the clutch felt pad and transfer it to the new gear.
    6. Press the new gear onto the clutch assembly. Make sure the shaft is clean of any grease or oil.
    Here you have 2 options: either measure the correct depth at which the gear should sit and press it at that depth from the beginning (you need to take into account thickness of the 2 washers) or press it at an approximate depth and adjust it after the retainer is re-installed.
    7. Re-install the 2 washser, add oil to the bushing and re-install the brass retainer.
    For this you need to place the mechanism so that the back of the shaft sits on something hard. Then use a small hammer to press the retainer back in place. Note the top of retainer needs to be flush with the shaft.
    8. Re-assemble the auto-stop mechanism and the walkman.

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    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
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  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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  3. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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