Longstanding dislike for Sanyo. Please change my mind :)

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Jam_On_It, Aug 6, 2024.

  1. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    For as long as I can remember, I have always equated Sanyo with low-quality boomboxes. For me, they’ve always been a very thin step up from Sound Design or Emerson.
    Even as a kid in the early ‘80’s out boombox shopping, I thought they were crap.
    At worst, Sanyo has cheap poorly finished plastics and bad sound quality.
    At best, Sanyo’s look big and glitzy, with poorly finished plastics and bad sound quality.
    Did Sanyo ever make a boombox that was all-around as good as Panasonic or Sony?
    Did Sanyo OEM for other manufacturers? Who? What models?
    Did other manufacturers OEM for Sanyo? Who? What models?
    There’s a lot of upkeep on all that dislike so I’d much rather like Sanyo or at least feel neutral :)
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  2. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    i've never really been a Huge fan of Sanyo myself, but i appreciate them as a brand, They did make some decent boxes, but they are well sort after now and can fetch crazy money, like Mx960 BigBen, M9994, and the Mx920, i have a Sanyo 9818, which in my opinion, is probably the worst sounding boombox in history, but for some damn reason, i really love that little rascal, the sound is truly awful, Cheaply made, it has absolute zero bass, but i still love the thing. i just love it for what it is. it just looks cool.
    Jam_On_It likes this.
  3. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    I think you summed it up well. Sanyo did make some aesthetically pleasing radios that are sought after…but the truth is they really are cheaply made and have bad sound quality.
    I can’t remember the model, but I did have one in my collection years back. It was large and chrome-laden, and the design was quite beautiful. And like yours, it was one of the worst sounding bbxs that I owned.
  4. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    I think Sanyo oem d for Fisher, General Electric and radio shack.
    Sanyo for me is known for having a warm sound. Sanyo for me is known for having More emphasis on the bass sound down low than having a overly loud sound. As you know that Bass requires more power, then treble does.
    If you want loud or bright sound then you would go with a Panasonic at the expense of bass.
    Jvc makes basically ugly boxes. I think they're kind of bland.
    Changing the subject but staying on topic the grills which allow the speaker to be seen as opposed to the waffle board grills that you cannot see. The speakers sound worse because you cannot hear the sound through the cabinet as you can with a metal mesh grill showing the speaker.
    Toshiba models have been basically plagued with disintegrating belts but they make really good machines I think.
    Lasonic machines the older ones are very good. The newer ones are very bad because they made them a lot cheaper. That's been my experience.
    Hitachi did not make a lot of models and they didn't really populate the world too well.
    Aiwa boomboxes are a bit of a higher quality than Sony boomboxes.
    Sony boomboxes are unique to their own because they have for one thing. A very special AC power plug that is unique to them and hard to find. If you ever lose the one you choose, came with your model and they're made very cheaply even more cheaply than Sanyo.
    Sharp brand of boomboxes. They're just unique and the older ones are better than the newer ones.
    Sansui made not very many models of boomboxes but the few that they did they were very good and very well made.
    Magnavox AKA Philips is some of the worst garbage out there because they used interior parts and they're known for their gears. Crumbling and they're basically underpowered for all the looks that they give the consumer.
    General Electric models are unique and very well made but not well known to the consumer because they don't have the excitement that your major brands do. But they sound very well and they're very hard to come by present day.
    Toshiba models are very good sounding, but they're prone to having inferior belts and therefore they fail rather quickly and their controls or potentiometers that they use are very poor quality and don't wear very long.
    Conion Brand is very well made, but they didn't make that many models.
    Akai only made like three or four or five models that I know of and they're very unique in their design but they don't last long. I have a couple still.
    These are the models that I can think of that are available to the USA, but in other countries there are other brands that are for the most part, only known to those parts of the world. If you live in there like Ferguson grundig to name a few that I can think of, I cannot vouch for their quality and such as I really haven't worked on those models or brands. I'm racking my brains here. Trying to think of all the different models that I've been acquainted with and have still and that I've been inside of and repaired either successfully or not.
    Diatone is another obscure brand. They only made a few models. I have two of them. The jr11 is one I think I have and some other model I can't remember.
    Matsushita is a company of national, then national Panasonic, then Panasonic and the offshoot of quasar. The national brand is primarily sold in Japan. The national Panasonic is sold worldwide but not necessarily sold in the USA and then Panasonic is sold in USA and quasar.
    Toyota slapped their name on a few sharp models because I have a Toyota ea900 which is a Sharp gf909.
    Pioneer made a few boomboxes not too many. Maybe less than 10. I know I have a few of those mostly mono and I think I have one stereo 350 model I think. And then I have a three-piece model CT k3 or something like that.
    Centrex by pioneer and I'll just leave it at that. I have a few of those mono.
    Caliphone I don't know if that's the right spelling, but I have one of those with the matching wireless headsets. That's a strange one.
    I have a Sanyo MX 520 which I believe looks terrific and sounds great. I had a 7 20 and I sold it and I had a 960 three times and I sold those. I also had the 920 two or three times. And I've had lots of other sanyos that I have bought, repaired and sold over the years. Presently I have a lot of the model m7770k which sound good. And lots of other what they call the mini & slim of the Sanyo's.
    I'm sorry what was the question?
    Coley1969, retro, DutchNick and 4 others like this.
  5. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    On the contrary, the MX620, MX720, MX820, MX920, and MX960 are all very high-quality models, very heavy and well-built, with thick zinc-plated tape decks and excellent, warm sound. In fact the MX960 is my favorite sounding 1-piece box. If you want cheaply-built boxes, that's Lasonic, Helix, Vela, and Amstrad.
  6. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    You forgot the Sanyo MX 520 of which I have
    Back label
    Sounds great
    Jam_On_It likes this.
  7. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    If I may say... I wouldn't mind an mx 820 with a digital display that moves with the tuning... I would also gladly listen to a 920
    Cassette2go and Jam_On_It like this.
  8. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    Great answers. I’ll research the MX series Sanyo models. This is exactly the info I was looking for.
    So maybe while most Sanyo models aren’t all that great, they did produce a few legitimately good models.
    I’ve never heard of the MX series so looking forward to researching them!
  9. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    That MX520 looks really great. The build quality and materials quality look top-notch. Has the air of a high end radio. From Sanyo??? Wow!!
    Cassette2go likes this.
  10. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Sanyo M-X520 Play cd tape radio Outside on Znter batteries 2024 (9:07) minutes
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  11. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Sanyo boombox model 820 if you can find one for sale and if you can afford it goes for a ridiculous prices the last time I've seen them. Sanyo 920 I've owned and I have made videos of them and then I have sold them because they are nice and they play. But they're not overly terrific at being loud or anything like that. They're just nice players but I want something more than just nice to look at and sounds good. I want something raw like a c100f which I have LOL and I've had most of the other Sanyo models that are out there. You name the model by it probably had it and I probably made a video of it and then sold it. Yay! But I've kept the best ones I think which is the mx520 or I could have had a MX 620 but I chose the 520.
    Silver965 and Jam_On_It like this.
  12. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Isn't the Sanyo M9998K considered the boomboxer's boombox?

    Sanyo=Fisher and also made some for GE and Craig

    Here's the Sanyo's I love and I only own a few.

    Sanyo/Fisher made some of the nicest stereo microcassette players and I think had more than anybody.

    The PH-M77, compact cassette and stereo microcassette, just plain cool!
    Sanyo/Fisher PH-M50 has been certified by Mister X Labs as the smallest boombox made

    There was a brief time in the late 70's-early 80's that Sanyo had some nice models, they were really pushing the Mini & Slim Line but even the tiny mono M6400, the stereo M-S300K, the mono M-1950AF, most of these were also badged GE.

    The later C8 and C9 are pretty impressive compos.

    You can see a lot of mine in the mini thread. I think Sanyo found it's main niche with low-cost mid-level stuff but get outside of the main group and there's tons of gems. Also page through the newspaper ads threads, they were a big player in the 1970's and have some classic designs.
  13. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    I believe Sanyo was founded by the brother-in-law of the founder of Panasonic, and over the years has been absorbed into the Panasonic family, so it wouldn't surprise me if there were quite a few Panasonic components inside Sanyo products.

    I only own one Sanyo boombox, a MW200, that was given to me by a work colleague. I have to agree that the sound is a bit thin for the size of the unit, but it's far from the worst I've ever listened to.
  14. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    Whoa Whoa Whoh (sharp intake of breath and clutches his pearls) less of that Amstrad Diss lol.. Amstrad stuff was surprisingly Quite well made, ok they were never meant to be in the big league, but never the less, they were quite well made, i own a few Amstrads items including an 8090 boombox With Removable walkman, and Apart from worn belts on the decks they never seem to break much, the only grief i have with mine is the stupid wireless speakers always having a poor connection which makes the sound cut out sometimes, that is super annoying, but honestly, apart from that, it's a good box with great sound, they have Foster Woofers in them
    I always say, if something can survive 40+ years and still work, that is good going..
  15. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Five paragraphs down. I can't find any of that. Sanyo/Fisher let me show you my link for searching. https://www.google.com/search?q=sanyo+ph-m50&client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=f34a7ccbd9a4492c&sxsrf=ADLYWILvS14AdFK6yEXcMLMYXlUwdF7vtw:1723134845154&ei=ffO0ZsiTCbPOkPIP14_EiQw&ved=0ahUKEwiIxuHC6eWHAxUzJ0QIHdcHMcEQ4dUDCA8&oq=sanyo+ph-m50&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDHNhbnlvIHBoLW01MDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRIic8BUN8iWIppcAJ4AJABAJgBgwGgAecHqgEDOS4yuAEMyAEA-AEBmAINoAKzCMICCxAAGLADGKIEGIkFwgILEAAYgAQYsAMYogTCAgcQIxiwAhgnwgIIEAAYogQYiQXCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAgYHsICCBAAGAgYHhgPwgILEAAYgAQYhgMYigXCAggQABgHGAgYHpgDAIgGAZAGBZIHAzkuNKAH_SQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  16. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
  17. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    My fault, the Sanyo is M5850F and the Fisher is PH-M50. The unit has slots on the top for either a flexible wrist handle or a handle like a boombox, build quality is excellent for 1982 but stereo microcassettes were hot and new so there's very few duds across all the brands.

    Silver965 and Cassette2go like this.
  18. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Well I've never seen these before and I've never really been interested in the micro cassettes. The only micro cassettes that I've ever had or used were in answering machines. I may have a few few of the micro cassettes themselves but not the players anymore.
  19. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    If you have any METAL microcassettes let me know!

    In the old days, mrp32Dave, Autoreverser, Walkgirl and more used to talk about them and I had never seen them before, now I have lots of them after lusting for years to own the format.
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  20. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    I'd really have to dig for the few that I have and I doubt very seriously that any of them are anything more than just normal type 1 micro cassettes. Back in the year of roughly 2008. I spent about $5,000 during that year and bought way too many blank cassettes, new sealed TDK maxel and a few other odd brands like that's thats and then none of these I've used because I'm still playing my old mixtapes that still haven't gone bad yet. So maybe sometime in the future I might get around to selling my extra cassettes banks I'm just not using.
    Mister X likes this.

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