Is anyone going to Japan in the Future? If so could they get me all the Sales Catalogs, Sales Brochures, Dealer Flyers for Sony CRF-330K Shortwave Radio. There are a lot of them in Japan but my Credit Card Company Mastercard has blocked all sales from Asian Countries Totally!! they are listed on I even tried to go through Janice & Mastercard also blocked it from them. Any ideas on how to get them? I’m also looking for a Sony AN-Lp1 Shortwave Antenna does anyone have one for Sale? Literally this week I have received a module for an Icom radio bought from Yahoo auctions via them. Paid for using Paypal. You have to deposit enough money to cover any bids you make. My money was still there after failing to win an auction last year. There are other services like Buyee but this is one I have actually used a couple of times. p.s. This is why I started using Jauce
You can bid but good luck in paying for them ever Mastercard, Visa, PayPal have a Total Block on all United States Purchases Totally it’s the Companies themselves that have a Total Blocked from any Asian Nations this includes Japan, China, Hong Kong. The only way is to purchase the item on EBay.