I wish it was that easy. I have a YouTube channel with over 7 million views and the licensed music is a never ending battle. 3rd party sleezeballs file claims against you all the time and try to steal your YT income. The sick part is YT allows it. I am constantly having to file disputes and provide my licensing information for the music that I officially licensed and paid money to legally use. It became such a hassle, I stopped making videos.
Well for all my YouTube accounts I have never monetized anything. I'm not interested in the Big brother knowing my banking info so I haven't done it and all the passwords and all that yada that goes with all that nonsense. I am just not doing it.
I know what you mean. But my channel uses music from major studios, not 3rd party vendors. Youtube allows me to do it, in exchange for a permanent loss of the ability to monetize. I've talked to them about it, and the only way I could monetize would be to create a brand new channel.
The crazy part of paying for licensed music is the 3rd party harassment. You pay the artist directly for their music and you get a physical license. That part is fine. I never understood this part - a 3rd party company supposedly “on behalf of the artists” comes after you and files a claim. If you don’t catch it, your channel money from that video goes to the crooks. You have to go through a several page dispute process that’s a pain in the @ss. Eventually, the claim gets released by YouTube and you can resume monetizing that particular video. I’ve had “Hawk for 3rd Party” come after the same videos 10 or 12 times. It spoiled the experience for me and I stopped making videos. Shame of it is, the money was decent but eventually outweighed by the harassment.
That sucks. Sounds like they might be using an automated process without bothering to check your identity. Was your music from one of those licensing sites like Soundstripe or Lickd?
My Youtube Channel is Quite Small, i have 99 videos up, about 630 subscribers, i use hip hop beats on my boombox videos, and other bits of music, and some no copyright music, i think i've had 2 copyright claims, none of my videos have been taken down but i think they get restricted in some countries, when i first started uploading i would get 100-200 views, but as time went on i used to get 1000 to 4000 views on some of my videos, one or 2 got around 10,000, one got 30.000, but they have dropped down to 300 - 500 views now, probably because i'm just uploading some low brands and obscure models, and Youtube is probably throttling me a bit as well. i have never monetized and i don't intend to. and i probably won't be uploading much anymore because i've uploaded most of what i have now, so there's not much need to do anymore.
Today is my Birthday, and i'm shocked to say that i'm 55 years old today. i can barely believe it, people say i don't look that old, but i am.. this was me sat in the park the other day with my radio..
Thanks Man, it was Quite uneventful really, when you get to our age you'd rather forget age numbers, i find it too scary and alarming lol. when i joined stereo2go the first time around, i was 32 years old, just a little whipa snappa. Now most of us are in our 50s and heading for 60. hard to believe because it doesn't feel that long ago
i know getting old is pretty grim to think about James, but we have no choice but to carry on for as long as we can. We can never give up man. Gotta keep Striving, Surviving, Moving and Grooving. No matter how unhappy we get.. i have been an extremely unhappy person since i was a kid, Our house was full of chaos and disorder, my parents were good to us but they used to fight, and my mother passed away from alcohol when i was really young, then my dad would work long hours, so i never really had any true parenting, i kinda grew up on my own, as a loner with not many friends. what happened as a child has stayed with me my whole life. i've never really been happy, i am on medication for depression and anxiety, and i have been for the past 17 years since i finally told the doctor, because i thought i was losing my mind, i kept it to myself for years, i know a lot of people claim to be depressed, but if they spent just one day in my head, they would run away crying, cos i'm the real deal depressed, and there's nothing that can change it. all the money in the world couldn't make me happy, because depression is all i know, but i still chose life man. we have been friends for a very long time, and if you wasn't around, stereo2go, facebook and youtube would be a pretty crappy place without you.
People are real here. I love that. I just turned 55. Mentally and physically, I feel a lot younger. I feel blessed to be this way. I also had a horrific childhood. By 45, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. So I chose a charity that went head to head with child abuse. I jumped on a tiny 50cc Honda Ruckus and rode almost 8,000 miles across the US and Mexico to raise awareness and money. I did the ride solo. Got hit by an RV, broke my arm, and rode 3 more days with no medical attention. That 3 month Journey rewired my life and was absolutely worth the broken arm. Those chains are long gone and I have a quality of life I never thought possible. 10 years on and I still wake up in this miracle every day. It’s a small point, but when I write about it, I always capitalize the “J” in Journey. A small detail that that has profound meaning to me. Here’s what the Journey taught me: 1. If you have a huge problem never be afraid of going after a huge solution 2. Miracles actually do happen 3. Faith, humility, and gratitude will change your life 4. There’s a better life out there if you fight for it
Yeah mate happy birthday Paul. Me I am just on the right side of 60 I have a similar story, but unfortunately for me I have an uninvited guest growing in my skull . It has given me a new lease on life funnily enough. It’s a ticking time bomb. But honestly it’s the best thing that’s happened because I am appreciating every day and just listening to my music. It can be removed but the risk involved isn’t great. So just getting regularly scanned until it gets angry then I have no choice. Everyone has a story, and each of us has an opinion, And that’s what makes the world a great place. Enjoy Kiwinut
Happy birthday and hope everyone is doing good. VWestlife bought a royalty free music set, kind of a fun video. My friend is a composer and has worked on movies and video games, he was approached by a company a few years ago that compiles copyright infringement and goes after the abuser. I don't remember the whole scope but he was expecting to get a nice check from a bunch of different users and sources going back a few years. I think he had to pay a few hundred up front to sign up for the service. I remember when internet radio was young, there was a ton of really cool stations, some with the same band playing 24/7. In the early 2000's they were targeted and disappeared. Luckily they did change the charge per song so the music kept playing but it was the wild west back then.
Okay, I'll listen to about 5 minutes of this video, but I prefer the YouTube music audio library stuff that even though it comes in an mp3 format I simply go to free convert.com and change it over to a wave and then record it onto a CD and then play it back. Or should I say record it onto a cassette. Yes, it's a bit of a hassle to do all that, but that's what I've been using from the YouTube music library to showcase the boombox players that I've been showing that work.