WM-D6C serial numbers

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by dotneck335, Aug 14, 2024.

  1. dotneck335

    dotneck335 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles, CA
    For Sony Walkman WM-D6C, I am specifically trying to find the point of serial #s at which the PCB went from -11 (Dolby chip CX20068) to -12 (Dolby chip CX20218), the point where they went from "pointy" Japan head to "rounded" 35711 head (around serial #53613 to #72265), the point where the PCB color changed, AND the point at which the Dolby sticker went from white (silver) to black (around serial #108670 to #117947). If any of you have units that would help us define these changes, PLEASE post your info.
  2. Kiwinut

    Kiwinut Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Zealand
    514757 for the head 35712
    Black silver writing & green board

    E291932 for the head 35711
    Silver black writing & green board

    Question why is there a E at the beginning of the serial number?

    Cheers Kiwinut
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2024
    Valentin likes this.
  3. dotneck335

    dotneck335 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks for the info. Looks like the permalloy 35712 head came later than I thought. No clue about the 'E'. 'Europe'?
  4. dotneck335

    dotneck335 Active Member

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    Los Angeles, CA
    One thing I am stumped about is the "version" change reported around serial # 180000. This was stated in the "DD drive genealogy" posting. I can see no change in components, values, or construction that would substantiate this claim. There was some conjecture that it coincided with a PCB color change, but this is untrue. I have seen many units both above and below the 180000 mark that have the exact same brown component side/green solder side PCB. Also mentioned was that the units above 180000 had "mostly SMD components"; again, an untrue conjecture. The main PC board remained as almost all through-hole components until serial # 267,201--this is documented in Supplement-2 (March 1994). The original PCB as well as those following all had SOME SMD components---the Dolby chips and audio ICs, as well as some components on the auxiliary boards; but in no case until Supplement 2 were there "mostly" SMD components.
  5. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Western Europe
    Let me know what to change in the table. I was sent a lot of information for the overview and prior to your post, there was no indication that info was incorrect.
  6. dotneck335

    dotneck335 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles, CA
    Here is my version of the history of the Sony Walkman WM-D6C. Compiled from postings on Stereo2Go and tapeheads forums, as well as eBay listings of units for sale. Dates and serial #s of changed units are somewhat incomplete.
    • February 1984: Sony Walkman WM-D6C released. Amorphous "pointy" PA259-3602A head marked "Japan". Brown/green phenolic PC boards 1-611-494-11 with through-hole components.
    • January 1985: Supplement 1 notes Dolby chip change from CX20068 to CX 20218, as well as surrounding component value changes. PCB now -12. Serial #s affected are unknown.
    • Change from pointy to rounded amorphous head 35711 between serial # 71236 and # 72263. Date unknown
    • Spring 1988: Change to Dolby sticker color from white (silver) to black between serial # 114374 and # 117947.
    • March 1994: Supplement 2 notes change at serial # 267,201 to green glass epoxy PCB 1-651-545-12 with SMD components.
    • April 1996: Service Bulletin 395 issued. The motor was changed from X-3305-830-1 to X-3370-805-1.
    • April 1999: Supplement 3 shows two resistor values were changed in the French model.
    • June 2001: Supplement 4 shows main PCB changed to 1-651-545-14; motor drive servo circuit redesigned with servo IC CX069A. Service manual was issued as Rev. 1.1.
    • Change to permalloy head 35712 in serial #s ~50xxxx and above. Marking "amorphous head" on the case is no longer present.
    • 2002: WM-D6C production discontinued.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2024
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