Remeberance Thread - Reno (Radio Raheem) - drop in and remember him

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Thanks for the update, which explains a lot. Reno actually hinted at potential problems with social services in a post earlier in the year.

    When my late Father was dying in hospital one of his main concerns was "How much of my (toy) collection have you got rid of ?" In his last week he was going through Die-Cast Collector magazine making lists of what he wanted to buy next. We all know that vintage stuff like Boomboxes aren't as easy to acquire.

    I am proud to say that after my Father died all the things we did get rid of went to people who wanted them.
    I recall wrapping up a rusty tinplate toy to send to Sweden which after a postage miscalculation
    ended up with a profit of about 30p, and thinking "at least it isn't going in the bin". I hope he would be pleased by what I did.

    R.I.P Reno and, by the sound of it, his collection.
  2. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa
    Hi guys . I loved Reno we were friends almost from the minute I joined up back in 2005.
    He was rimmer36 back then.
    I wanted to say a bunch of stuff but honestly I just want cry when I think about .
    I'll be back . it's great seeing you all.
  3. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    Sorry.. Another Long Post..

    Floyd.. You know he Loved you man, i know it for a fact because he would tell me all the time when we was speaking on the phone, he none stop spoke about you 24/7,
    He always said you was one of the only true solid friends he had on here, he was fully aware that most people had a seething hate for him on both sites, he knew that no one could stand him, but he was aware that he was part of the problem, but sometimes he would call me all upset when someone said something bad to him, i used to tell him to ignore them but it would hurt him badly and it would send him in to a depression, most people never knew him like Nick Eccles and Myself did, we actually knew him as Reno, Not Just Radio Raheem, both of us would have hours of conversations on the phone with him, so we actually knew the person behind the computer.. And Floyd.. you knew him too more than anyone through you comments, conversations and Private chats.

    i know he could be a difficult person to deal with, with him being the person he was, You never knew what you was going to get with him, every day was a different Reno, but i had a lot of tolerance and patience, i stuck by him since 2002, the reason being, we was alike in the early days, we was seen as the runts of the littler, the dregs of the site.. there was a class system on these sites years ago, there was the higher class that was in a special group, it was their group and idiots like reno and me wasn't invited. so we stuck to ourselves. but i saw us as the real ones..

    He tried to fit in but People hated him because they thought he was a troll, and he did some bad deals and let people down, people probably felt screwed over, i knew it was because he had a mental illness, because i have suffered with a mental illness my whole life, my parents would fight, my mother died from alcohol when i was 4 years old, after she died my dad worked all the time, i felt abandoned like Reno, i just brought myself up on my own Like Reno, i never had many friends like Reno, i used to see psychologists and mental health doctors like Reno, i've been on Antidepressant medication for most of my life Like Reno, all i wanted to be was normal like everyone else, but the damage i suffered as a child has stayed with me and snatched my whole life away, so i clicked with Reno from Day one because we was Similar people, we grew up the same way, had the same problems, thought the same thoughts, we both found it hard to click with people, we both found it difficult to see any good in life.. .. so i know the difference between a troll and someone with a mental illness.

    No one even knew the guy, not many people know that he had no real family, he was adopted when he was a child, although his foster parents took good care of him, he never really had any kind of real relationship with anyone, after his foster parents died, his foster brother abandoned him, sold the house and kept all the money and reno was left out in the cold, and he ended up in being taken care of by the social system, because it was clear that he couldn't take care of himself. most of the people he actually knew in real life shit on him , he had people that lived local to him, they used to steal from him, and use him for money, they would ask him for money and he would just give it to them, sometimes it was the only money he had left, and he ended up with no money and no food. A couple of years ago, someone took a load of radios from him and promised to pay him but never did, and he never even confronted the guy about it.

    That's why Nick and Myself had no barrier with him, we knew that he needed friends just to carry on, because he had no one.. he used to say he wanted to die, but i know he was probably only saying that out of frustration of having no one in his life, and finding it difficult to see a bright future.
    i don't give a shit what people thought of him and still think of him, i'm 55 years old now and not in the best of health myself, so i've ran out of giving a fk what people think of me, whether this post is going to turn people away from me, or whether it will stop people talking to me, i give no fk's what so ever, he was a true friend, and despite all his difficulties, he was a decent guy. More genuine than most people i ever met in the boombox world. so if anyone wants to see bad in someone, they should look at themselves first, at least i will be able to keep a calm mind knowing i was one of the only ones that stuck by him no matter what, whilst everyone was busy hating him. go ahead, block me on here, block me on fakebook. i give no fk's what so ever.. i never really knew anyone anyway.. i live for my kids now, i look after them now, and nothing else matters to me anymore. they are Number one, and any other rare friendship i may make is a bonus for me. So there you go..

    Where Ever You Are Now Reno, Your Pain Is Over.. No One Can Hate You Anymore.. Rest Well Man..
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
  4. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa

    Man I respect that kind of honesty because most people will never approach that level.
    My entire life I've lived on outside looking in . I grew up dirt poor and the world never let me forget it. I still haven't caught up with the 21st century. That's what happens when your whole life people tell you you're worthless and you will never amount to anything . having to deal with cruel people who were worse than rats . standing up to the never ending line of bullies . watching my parents fight like 2 savages in front of us kids . my stepfather was a fucking piece of shit that beat women and children. I do remember being hungry all the time and having to fight somebody almost every day .
    So I can understand pains and misery people endure the whole life.
    I'll never understand why Reno was hated by some. I mean I never hated him although I wanted to choke the shit out of him one or twice lol.
    For some old age just means a certain death sentence and once you can't take care of yourself you are at the mercy of the world and I can almost guarantee that they went into Reno flat and tossed all his boxes in the bin and probably most his hi fi stack and when he saw that he just gave up. Just tossed the man's life into a dumpster to live in a sterile environment after all your beloved possessions are gone.
  5. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    including the "pocketcalculatorshow"-times i'm a member here since 1999 (!), i've never changed my nickname, i saw many many boombox and walkman- enthusiasts coming and going. to tell you the truth, Reno (in the beginning rimmer) could be a pain in the bud. when he posted pics from his house, you could see that he never cared much for his room, even for himselfe. the words he chose often were that close under the beltline, sometimes highly embarrassing - with other words: he was the one your parents told you to keep away from. BUT: Reno was Reno, he's allways been an original and he was allways on the right side, living his boxes and whenever i came back on this site after a while and read his posts, it made me feel at home. i liked him a lot, i will miss him a lot folks, this forum will miss him badly, too...

    any moderator here ? where is our "hall of fame" ? Reno deserves to have his stand there, same as Ira, John Edwards, Litfan and and and...
  6. AE_Stereo

    AE_Stereo Active Member

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    R.I.P. Radio Raheem.
    Mister X, Jvc floyd and Cassette2go like this.
  7. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    And and and me my time is coming soon. And it has nothing to do with boomboxes or radios. I really wish I could elaborate but I can't. I'll know more after December 7th this year. 2024 or not?
  8. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa
    Well I hope you get good news .
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  9. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    i hope you Get through this James, I am aware of what you are talking about, and it's all wrong what is happening to you. i was talking to Reno on the phone when you disappeared and he was asking where you went, and we had a discussion of what happened, and like me, he refused to believe it.. he liked you. that is a fact, when i spoke about outsiders and elite collectors and us not being allowed in, You was one of the uninvited like us..
    i have known you a long time, and i know you are a decent guy.. so it's Just all wrong what's going on.. But you can only just keep going, we can't stop no matter what.. If they take you, Just come back out like a gangster.. You will be known as James, The Original G unit..
    Mister X, Jvc floyd and Cassette2go like this.
  10. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    I definitely agree of what you said of Reno in the early days, he did say some embarrassing things, but when ever i brought it up in the phone chats, he would just say he was only joking, it's only banter, but i said not everyone thinks like that though.. but back then it was wild on here, and i think half the people was drunk on here lol.. he was drunk all the time, he even told me, that through a lot of the 2000s he was drunk most of the time, but he gave it all up
  11. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Hang in there, mate, you will make it!
    We should live and try savouring every single day, we are here and now, past gone, future unknown,
    there are the whole 3 months till Dec, the whole autumn to enjoy..
    Big_Paul, Jvc floyd and Mister X like this.
  12. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    We Need a Pin Post For Reno.. After all, He was here so much he may as well have been Part of the furniture
    Jvc floyd and Walkgirl like this.
  13. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    It would be nice to some pinned photo, commentary and whatever else, we've lost some big collectors. It seems like it gets harder to find the old photos searching through google, not sure what's happening to them but the internet is kind of scrubbing itself of old information.
    Jvc floyd likes this.
  14. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Several times recently I have got better results from Bing. Despite knowing the title I couldn't find one of my own threads using Google. With Bing it was in the top three results.
    Cassette2go and Mister X like this.
  15. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Google used to be king with image searches but they've really fallen, Bing seems to be picking up the slack, I've noticed it as well.
  16. retro

    retro Active Member S2G Supporter

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    New York
    Very sad to hear this news, RIP Reno.
    Walkgirl and Mister X like this.
  17. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    Hey Man, i think i remember your name Dwayne ? not spoke to you in years, and my memory isn't as good as it once was.. Great to See you still around, i think i remember you on the Pocketcalculatorshow site in the real early days, Was your name was Beanhead ?
  18. retro

    retro Active Member S2G Supporter

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    New York
    Yes, I stepped away for a couple of years, good to hear from you as well.
  19. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Stickied this thread which will be known as the Reno Remembrance thread. I ask everyone to pop in sometimes, post an M90 pic for him, or maybe an M70 facing a firing squad?

    All jokes aside, this is a tragedy, we all know he needed help and the system let him down, but, lets just remember him here, how entertaining he was, his passion for M90's, his innate wish to help anyone that came along regardless if he'd know you for 2 months or 2 years. Yes he was a pain in the ass at times, but, he was our pain in the ass.

    I don't think Reno was hated, secretly people loved having him around whether they like to admit it or not. Often the people you remember when they are gone you describe as "a character", and he was certainly a character. People eagerly logged on to read his threads and replies as you never knew what you were going to get, a picture of a stack of M90's, some gigantic blow your face off speakers or a completely un PC, wholly unacceptable response to an innocuous comment or thread. Then there was his banter with Floyd, another "character" and a guy Reno clearly felt an affinity with and loved wholeheartedly.

    So whatever you thought of him, just be thankful that he was here, that you got to interact with him, and that he brightened your days reading his posts, and don't pretend like it didn't.

    Rest in Boombox heaven Reno where your M90 is still king and M70's are still shite.

    From all of us, goodnight.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
  20. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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