Welcome to the forum, I just downloaded some more AIWA 22 Reviews. Some motors have a tiny slotted screw in the back, turning it increases/decreases the tape speed. You'll get more eyeballs in the tech sections or the long AIWA Thread.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/1866045290...sjp7qHRTvG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I had to Google your thing and I came up with this. Is this what you're talking about https://www.ebay.com/itm/1866045290...sjp7qHRTvG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Thank you both for the replies - Mister X any idea where the "motor is you refer to? and Cassette2go yes that is the unit.
And your picture above of the underside of the unit that you have the little brass thing driving the belts about. I don't know half an inch of diameter roughly or smaller. That's the one motor for your unit. And I know all about motors Yes I have drawers of motors Panasonic RX 5030 that's all I've been working on for the past 2 days now trying to find a motor that will work cuz this takes a 9-volt CW that means clockwise only. You cannot use a CCW in this machine. It has to be clockwise. All I've been doing I've tested almost all of these motors that you see in these pictures and I found out that some of them are not labeled correctly, meaning that they say CCW and they're not CCW they're cw and vice versa which is really makes me mad because I bought bought some of these thinking that they were CW and their CCW so that's really ticking me off. And then there's a speed issue. The motor I just put in this one here which is a 9 volt CW which is what I need. It runs too fast and I can't adjust it by way of the adjustment screw in the back of the motor. This 9-volt motor runs too fast and can't be slowed down or sped up or anything even though I can feel it doing something. I've sprayed the motor inside and other things. This is what I use. Deoxit My quest for a working motor for this boombox continues...
Wow and I thought I was being brave delving into my tape deck! You suggest the motor lies above the brass capstan with the two bands on - which means the motor is the square bit with the aluminium cover? Just asking for clarity since all of your motors are round which is logically what they would be. Thanks for all your trouble I really do appreciate it
Oh my God, I cannot wait until you can identify your first little brass pulley here. I'm holding one in my hand as I just finally finished finding a motor for my Panasonic RX 5030 of which I have a thread in this this forum about as I've been working on it and I just posted a picture and here I'm going to post one for you. Oh my, Goodness!.
I must be dim - the motor is above the brass capstan, which can be seen clearly top left once the cover is off the top of the machine - so here goes!
Yes and now you can stop posting to this thread and start a thread in the tech talk of your model. Put it as a title so we can find it easier and then post all your pictures galore of what you do when you do it, how you do it and questions as you go along you're welcome