Sanyo MR-U4GP aka M7790 disassembling PT-1 of 2 restore repair install new belts review (48:59) minutes
Sanyo MR-U4GP aka M7790 disassembling PT-2 of 2 restore repair install new belts review (25:59) minutes
63 mm secondary belt and about to put on about a 92 mm primary belt. I just wanted to show that I have this going on I don't normally have the red pieces in the way like this, but I just wanted to show that this is the model that I'm working on and I've already installed the secondary belt. Now I'm about to do the motor belt and I just wanted to show that it has all been cleaned including the motor pulley which was full of tar
This update is about cleaning all of the controls and the recording bar switch, installing new belts and reattaching all of the leaf switches and assorted areas of concern utilizing my camera as you may see in my picture Before I flop the deck back into the chassis and reattach the circuit board on the back to the chassis and cassette deck as they go together. Hard to explain but hopefully that should suffice. I just wanted to show this progress.
One of the speakers is bad so I decided to get the dead red unit that I have and change over the back and the speakers which meant I had to un solder The speakers and switch them out and around and then clean everything. The yellow speakers came from the unit I recently repaired. The white speakers came out of the totally dead unit that I have along with the back cover which is not distressed as the one that I've shown previously in my video so I'm changing that too.
I went back comparing the m7790 model versus the u4gp and because I don't have access to my records of my old pictures, so I don't remember what I did with this model way back when but evidently I changed the speakers to a different speaker. Previously I had put it together but didn't realize why it was so hard to get together because the bigger magnet interfered with the AC circuit board and when I took it apart this time the circuit board was misaligned so I had to do some surgery on that Parallel to the pic in this picture is where I had to cut away the circuit board. But then I also had move and resolder wires with jumpers to allow the circulator to work correctly but then also to allow clearance to the circuit board to allow it to go back together. But of course once I get it all back together one speaker was dead, why? Due to the repeated pulling apart and pushing back on one of these pins broke off So now I found a twisty tire wire that will fit into the diameter of the plug and now I'm going to attempt to solder through back the board and replace that pin which is broken with this wire and make it play through the speakers in stereo once again Yes, that is not the original speaker but it sounds so nice when it's working. So that's my update for the 15th of October 2024 so far today