Panasonic RQ-SX52 repair (!help needed!)

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Ludwik Franke, Oct 7, 2024.

  1. Ludwik Franke

    Ludwik Franke New Member

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    I'm having a small problem with my RQ-SX52. For some reason, when i play my tapes they play a bit slower than usual (and no this isn't a batterry Issue), when i play the second side by holding the play button sometimes it stops and Plays the first side again, and other times it Plays at Two times speed.

    What could be the problem, and how could i fix it?
  2. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Sounds like it's needing a belt because it's slipping when it's running slow and when it goes to the other side it catches better. The belt does and the speed servo then tries to compensate by running extra fast to make up for the slow speed. So basically you need a new belt installed
  3. Ludwik Franke

    Ludwik Franke New Member

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    Ok, in that case should i try installing a new belt myself or give it to an electronic repair shop?
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  4. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    It solely depends upon you.
    I don't know a thing about you. I'm 65 years young and I'm willing to take apart anything even a woman well didn't have much success there. I've been taking things apart all my life figuring out how they go together. Cleaning them as I take them apart. Present day. I take pictures as I take something apart and then I clean it. Replace parts inside and make it work again and therefore I don't have to buy the same damn thing over again. So a lot of stuff I have is years old and still works like my 2001 truck for instance still runs fine with 148,000 mi on the odometer. Depends on your degree of ability of mechanical. Electrical the ability to pick up a screwdriver patients. Wrong patience. There you go. Having an area that you can take this apart and be able to leave it and nobody disturb it while you wait for the belt to arrive. And if you already have the belt then all you need is some jeweler screwdrivers a magnetic pickup some tweezers some picks a can of deoxet. It's spelled wrong. Some denatured alcohol for cleaning and time and patience and take pictures as you go. That way you'll know what popped out when you try to put it back and you want to know where it went. You'll know by reviewing your pictures. That's what I know. That's what I do and I make videos of when I do that. I don't repair too many walkmans because they're so tiny to work on, but I have done them in the past. I prefer to work on boomboxes because they're larger and easier to get into. It's a long story but I have over 3,000 videos on YouTube across five YouTube accounts. I could say more but I think I've given you enough of an idea it's on you. Good day.
  5. Ludwik Franke

    Ludwik Franke New Member

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    Oh ok
    Btw what belt should i buy?
    And if you don't know, do you know where i could find the info about it?
  6. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    If you should attempt to replace the belts yourself depends on your soldering skills as you need to remove the PCB in order to get to the belts.
    However it's to be kept in mind belts aren't the only problem on these SX models. Clutch retainer is another failure point and some gears may need re-lubrication if they're hard to turn.

    Both belts and retainer are available at FixYourAudio:
    Cassette2go likes this.

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