read this before buying anything from Corry

Discussion in 'Buyers & Seller Feedback' started by Boodokhan, May 9, 2017.

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  1. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    most of the members know Corry. I am going to mention few things. Hopefully it will help new members who dot know him well and might get trapped in his scam.
    See the following Item:

    I bought this D6C which he advertised as "perfcet working condition !!!". This Walkman clicks. I am sure it has some form of cracked gear that causing this sound. The click is not very loud but it is obvious and annoying. I contacted Corry but he gets angry and doesn’t want to talk about it.

    He could just apologized and I let it go but I have problem with his insults, his anger and decided to return his walkman.
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
  2. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    another experience:

    Corry reported:
    Der Deckel geht ein wenig leicht auf , stört aber nicht !!!

    Google translate:
    The lid is a bit easy, but does not bother !!!

    The fact is the lid was completely broken and when I asked corry about it he said:

    New message from: corry60 (1,587[​IMG])
    The DD was in discription with broken door !!!

    International Bidders, please ask for details !!!

    You can not read ???

    If you see how he advertise and how he reacts when you question him.

  3. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    So be careful when you buy from this guy. He is not honest the way he list items on Ebay. He uses capital letters and many exclamation mark to intimidate buyers.

    Many times he was told here in this forum how to use the site and follow the site rules but he ignored all the requests and warning and finally admins decided to manually correct his mistakes. This is the way he is.

    So before buying anything from him make sure to ask questions and take the risk that this guyy gets angry if you notice an issue with his walkmans
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  4. Helaba

    Helaba Active Member

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    Hi Boodokhan
    Very unpleasant... This is not correct at all! IT even makes my angry ! I do not know Corry , but i saw he Sold a LOT! I hope you can solve the problems..... If iT can make your pain more sweet.... From the last 4 walkman i bought on eBay , 3 of them are not working... And also Sold as tested and working.... From 2 of them i got my money back through Paypal claim ( ship back Costs on my behalf) and the other one was paid with wire transfer... So i lost my money... I have the feeling that a hole bunch of Sellers jumped on the cassette revival and think cassettes and walkman are turned into gold! I think iT is very good of you to post iT here! Good luck!
  5. funkitall

    funkitall Active Member

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    Hello All
    Sorry Boodokhan and your issues with Corry.....
    I have purchased a DD from Corry last year and this was my first DD so I was unaware of the "click" and of course his ebay account is primarily in German.
    The Walkman itself was in great condition and was well packed with a speedy delivery.
    I had to ask him a question about the "click" and yes, there were capitals and exclamation marks galore in his response but in all honestly that is usually how I prefer to type.....just me being lazy.
    So what I am saying in his defense, I bought a great Walkman and it is one of my favourite Walkmans...
    I have been stung by others on ebay and from my experience I would buy from Corry again.....
    It is a pity that there is this issue between you guys but life isn`t all fun and games although it should be!!
    I hope that you can sort this out in time........
  6. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    Hello Funkitall
    The problem i have with Corry is his attitude of how he responds with anger/ insults.
    He needs to learn how to respect other members and try to resolve the issue. first of all i hate to return anything. But i cannot ignore people who insult me.
    Corry could apologized or just mentioned that he didn't notice the click (even though the click is obvious) and i would forget about this issue.
  7. Helaba

    Helaba Active Member

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    Indeed that is not the way to communicate... And let's be honest , as collector and seller, i do not think that you cannot be aware of clicks and broken gears!
  8. funkitall

    funkitall Active Member

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    I agree, there is no need to insult and in ways you seem to have the same personality traits as myself..I let bygones be bygones until the shit hits the fan and you have to take action...
    I was speaking from my own personal transaction with Corry and the overall experience....which I would rate as 100%,
    By the way I am not on Corry`s payroll!!!

    I hope that between you both there can be a settlement / understanding away from the "threads".
    Lets hope that this can be sorted out amicably....
    Rock N Roll!
  9. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Boodokhan, I'm sad you experienced that. This indeed upsets me. As you now, I don't like Corry's sales, but maybe he went too far.
    1. You should contact ebay and paypal and open a dispute through them, did you? That's the most fair way to solve this ind of issues.
    2. Corry's sales here are now under moderation, but after these experiences that you explained to all of us, even more. I'll contact corry and ask him to explain all this. In case he behaved without respect or in bad way, there will be some consecuences for him here.
    3. Can you share a photo of the broken lid? Maybe a short video of the click of the D6c and its serial number?
  10. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    Hugo first of all I am sorry for bringing drama to our community. It was corry who started and reported my eBay ID to this forum that I want to return his Walkman so I decided to defend myself and explain what happened otherwise I wouldn't place this topic.

    I can show you the cassette lid but as far as D6C it is shipped back to Corry and this is the tracking number :
    EW000420949us, And it reached Frankfurt 2 days ago so Corry will receive his Walkman at any time the serial number of this Walkman is 190832

    and my intention here is not to place ban on Corry and I hope he change his attitude of dealing with other members. We have to learn how to communicate with each other with respect and not to hurt anybody's feeling.
    Brutus442 and Radio Raheem like this.
  11. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    [GALLERY=media, 610]Trim.10964627-69E3-40C1-B578-F8DECC1F18F1 by Boodokhan posted May 9, 2017 at 6:33 PM[/GALLERY]
  12. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    I have deleted my origional post about this matter as i may not have been fair to corry and i dont want to be involved in any drama, but i wish you both all the best and hope you can sort these issues out between you, ATB Reno
    Boodokhan likes this.
  13. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    This walkman is shipped back to Corry. Have him not to open the package and send it to any of the following members. I will pay for the shipping costs in advance.
    If they say walkman has a click then Corry should apologize
    If they say walkman has no click then Corry will keep the walkman and keep my money.
    Is it fair????

    So the deal is not to open my package. He is a pro and can replace parts to make it sound good. He must send the package the same day he receive. IT must be sent by tacking to prove it. I will pay all the shipping costs

    He can send the walkman to any of these members. It is his call to choose one of these names: @walkman archive , @Sergi , @mihokm @Doctor Walkman
  14. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    To be honest why bother? Just get your money back and put it down to experience, one not to be repeated.
    Boodokhan likes this.
  15. Helaba

    Helaba Active Member

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    Hi Dear Boodokhan
    I can understand you very Well ... IT is a question of credibility..... But indeed, maybe iT is easier and Wise to collect your money back..... Anyway iT is your right to send iT back anytime if you are not fully satisfied.......
    Boodokhan likes this.
  16. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    I want to apologize all members for complaining and placing this topic. In my opinion personal issues shouldn't be reported in the forum to everybody. Unfortunately when i saw Corry reported my ID as a bad buyer i got emotional and couldn't ignore it.

    And I want to appreciate members who placed their comments

    Corry contacted me and we are working to resolve our misunderstandings

    Thank you all
    Brutus442 and Radio Raheem like this.
  17. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    To be honest i think it's good to put this things out there, so people can be aware and buy with caution.

    I remember buying a Walkman from a guy. I check his profile and most feedback are positive but 2 said he sells things which he knows are broken but says they are working fine. On reading this i contact the guy to ask specific questions about the Walkman and the answer came back all tested and everything worked fine. Anyway i bought it when i got it, it did not work and the center gear was broken. I contacted him and he tried to play the innocent, when i threatened to report him to eBay he offered some refund.
    What i am trying to say is, don't always look at all the positive feedback checkout the odd complains as there are often a grain of truth in there.
    Radio Raheem and Boodokhan like this.
  18. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    As admin of this forum I must look for respect and honestity between members. But I'm not a policeman at all.
    I haven't seen any of those walkmans except on your video, so I cannot be sure what happened.
    In my own experience, sometimes (more often than not) when you ship something that works well, when it arrives it has some failure. I guess this is because of the shocks received during shipping. This devices are delicate and they can suffer if not highly protected. It happened to me.
    I have had an issue with corry years ago, similar to yours: the walkman was not exactly as described, and that wasn't an issue caused by the shipping at all.

    So if you guys can solve this inside eBay/paypal, it's best for you. I prefer not to interfere.
    But what I'd suggest is what I always do: record all.
    Whenever a package arrives, I record the unboxing with my phone, so it's clearly seen the condition of the package and the item itself. If everyting goes right, I delete it; if not I start talking.
    Do that all the time! It's easy: just put your phone over the table, leave the camera lens outside and do the unboxing below the table, under the camera. You don't need any tripod or anything. and that's all.
    If you are a seller, do the same when you're packaging: record the device working, remove the batts and put it into the box. So you can proof its condition before shipped.
    I think this thread is useful for newcomers, and will help Corry to put more care on what he does.
    I won't ban him (at least now, because all these) but will talk with him.
    Boodokhan likes this.
  19. doublecee

    doublecee Active Member

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    Ive purchased a few items from Cory and never had a problem. Items always arrived as described.
  20. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Guys, there are lots of messages from Cory in the moderation queue which i have deleted.

    I have done this as there is nothing that will add anything further that we do not know and it will only serve to perpetuate this thread and en-flame things.

    Cory feels the case is resolved as he apparently won the Paypal dispute resolution. I hope the two of you can forget this and move on.

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