Well this is embarrassing, I literally received this walkman today, I had a belt ready and waiting as it was sold as probably needing one. I popped a cassette in and sure enough the belt was intact but screeching, and while it could play a cassette it would play a few seconds then auto reverse and stick and then stop. So I assumed it was indeed the belt. So I took about 4 hours carefully taking it apart, these are real fiddly players. Changed the belt and reassembled it all and its totally dead. So out with the multimeter and look for some shorts I guess. I'm no expert with a meter but the first capacitor after the negative connection is a Rubycon 4v 470 and i don't get any continuity, it looks fine but I guess it just decided to die? There is a little black capacitor slightly further down the line and its got continuity so I'm supposing my diagnosis is correct? Can any one give me any pointers? Is it likely the capacitor has just given up the ghost or any other suggestions?
Also if the consensus is that the 4v 470uf capacitor is the issue, where on earth can I source these. Scoured ebay, aliexpress and the internet in general and I can't find anything suitable.