Hello all, I'm in my mid 40's so I did have the usual run of the mill walkmans in my youth. Quite recently I got the itch to handles cassettes again and got my first walkman. I'm quite handy with small things mechanical (watch maker hobbyist) and I'm not afraid of a soldering iron, so as many things I kinda went all in: Sony 702, Aiwa PC202, Panasonic RQ-S80, TC-D5M, and most recently D6C and finally DC2. Really enjoying restoring these beauties I am really in love with 80's Sony! Above all I really enjoy listening to high quality analog cassette sound on the counch and even in the office (DC2). Having strange or amused looks from colleagues but some get interested as well! Long time lurker here, beautiful community, so many helpful members and wealth of information! Cheers from France, see you aorund!
Welcome! Feel free to post any cool watch making stuff as well, I think the whole "Walkman Lifestyle" was pretty neat back in the 80's and of course a cool watch was necessary.
Thanks! Man where do I even start with the watches. im mainly a vintage Seiko aficionado (Japanese trend I guess), so I could start there!