They are huge, I have one out in the shop. They are right up there where there's a ton of plastic but they pull if off without looking cheap. I don't remember people buying the huge boomboxes when I was a kid, for my little home town, the crappy $75-$125 boxes were everywhere. Most of my friends and their families had stacked component systems.
Mister X , I have a really nice Phillips boombox that is very similar lately I have been working on my Antique tube radios this summer I was doing other things but this winter I need to find out what is up with my Panasonic /JC Penny am /fm phono boombox I think there is a bad IC chip or some transistors in the Audio section because there is this White noise even with the volume all the way down . Sincerely Richard
A blog that looks like it's mostly about repairing tape decks. https://tamotsu510-blog-fc2-com.tra...uto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Not sure if this has been posted..... https://www-butsuyoku-net.translate...tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
I was doing a deep-dive into Fair mate this morning and found this website, enjoy! What a nice looking mini, I think other versions of this look like our Radio Shack Mini Boombox. According to one source, Fair mate was making OEM equipment for NEC.
This looks like a website from maybe 2006? It's Korean but there's some Japanese Boomboxes as well. Reli, get your pencil ready, there's lot's of K-Booms on here not found on the Wikiboombox! The images aren't showing up for me on the translation page, don't know why (2006 website?) but click on the left to see the photo page of the boomboxes. Love this mini three-piece!
Sorry if already posted, a ton of cool boomboxes, links to other sites and places to see in Japan. Plus this killer tan Superscope CRS-4000
An audio blog
I was looking for information on the first boombox with an 8" speaker, the National Panasonic RF-740 from 1974 and I found this website. Wow, an early LOUDNESS switch, maybe the first? Nope it's not on the wikiboombox list of larger speaker boomers, anybody have one of these beauties?
A nice Nakamichi Website. According to the author, the Nak Tapes were only sold through mail-order.
A Korean Website with a cool LG Portable, I think "" is a free hosting service? Another, looks like it's called the "Free"
Rather than start a new thread I will post this here Found while looking for pictures of old photocopiers. There are loads of topics on the site.
Those LXI Mini Stereos (made by Sanyo) are great bargains right now. While they're not quite as nice as an AIWA 22 System, they are pretty powerful little components.