Brother OT-448 aka Sanyo M-X720 (JDM as MR-X5) service 14 sept 2024 need some basic knowlege knobs Levers & Reference here Brother OT-448 aka Sanyo M-X720 aka MR-X5 in Japan or see Sanyo M-X720
20 September 2024 finally opened this. Here's a picture of the inside Antennas plug in thereantennas plug in there and The power cord goes here I'm going to unplug this right on the left and blue on there right? Just a two-wire pin. It just pulled out and we can separate the front from the back
Disassembling boombox Brother OT-448 aka Sanyo M-X720 (JDM as MR-X5) service needs a motor (59:29) minutes
I need a motor. I found a motor. Then I had to find a miniature screwdriver to get the spindle off the motor. Now I got to wait for the motor to arrive. Meanwhile, I'm going to service all the switches. Potentiometers and the rest of it and then wait on the motor to get here I wonder if anybody else has ever cleaned the the switches and potentiometers and all that in this model It's not easy.