I have a sony TCS 430 stereo recorder and player with a permanant magnet as an erase head Can a permanant magnet erase head damage tape in play mode ? Can the magnetic field of the erase head harm the tape in play mode, even though it's not supposed to ? Thank you very much !
That's a good question. I have wondered the same thing myself, having an old boombox, with perm magnet erase head right over the cassette tape when playing all the time... lets see what the more knowledgeable people have to say!
Hi in my opinion yes... it can damage the recording if the mechanics that hold the magnet do not move it away from the tape as expected. That is, even if it does not physically touch the tape but remains close to it, it can erase it
the permanent magnet as erase head off course affects the information on the tape, but don't forget: the TCS-430 has neither been designed tas a high end product, nor is it made for music. it is a plain voice-recorder thingy with a frequency-range of an older telephone, so whatever affect that permanetn magnet has to the information on the tape, is negligible