I was looking on eBay hoping some bargain/reasonably priced Walkman would pop up (no luck) and saw a seller with a heap of Walkman for sale. All are used, not boxed, most don’t work and all have in the description about a Peter that had the largest Walkman collection in the Southern hemisphere. Some I would love, even not working ..but too expensive for me unfortunately. I kinda remember someone chatting here about a collector that’s not around any more. Anyone know this Peter?
i’ve been a walkman-collector since at least 30 years, one of the earliest members of „pocketcalculatorshow“ site (registered in 1999 !) and have no idea who this could be. sounds interesting
Do you think they were in Australia? If I had to guess I'd say The Lion but I think they are still kicking around and I don't know what they own. https://personalhifiblog.blogspot.com/ There's been a handful of people over the years with some amazing units, I don't know what is considered the largest or the best, Kent would certainly be in the top. I've got boxes of entry to mids but I wouldn't really add them to my shelves. Most were freebies with other stuff. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N6MK-WBf9gc
Oh yeah, I think Kent would have the biggest collection of players and tapes in the world. Is he still around? I just thought I remember something about a Peter and passing away here on this forum..must be mistaken. this seller is Australian for sure, so I assume their dad was as well.
I'm also an Aussie in Melbourne and have a reasonable collection which I'm starting to sell down. Have no idea who this Peter is but I do have a HS-J08 which has had many hours spent on the auto reverse mechanism. I've had it working perfectly for several months and then it goes back into that wretched "pulsing" mode where it keeps trying to auto stop but it won't. You can't open the door and nothing stops this pulsing except dismantling it....again. Hope the buyer of the one "Peter" had, the Black J500 gets lucky because they all need more than a belt replacement to get them working again.
Hey all. Been a long long time since I posted on this forum. I have bought a few Walkmans from this collection. The seller is the step son. Peter passed not long ago and the step son is now selling off his collection for his mum. Peter was an avid collector. I have seen this collection and it is immense and well looked after.
I am guessing these are all being sold on e-bay. How does one find this seller and keep an eye on the listings?
https://www.ebay.com.au/usr/thisisaboutkeeping This link should show all of the currently listed items from "Peter". Most seem to be "partially working" and pretty much top price.
What do you think of the prices? I’ve been looking at some but think they are nearly double what they should be for some.
Prices are a little on the high side but considering these are all in Australia, you're not going to have to wait a month or longer to get them and not pay the crazy shipping prices. To be fair, everything is expensive these days. I bought a DD3 from him for $250. Just had to replace the broken gear and got it working. Also replaced the capacitors.