I was in Moscow in the GUM during Gorbatchev , very big department store, the audio equipment section also full of japanese stuff - and i can`t remember such style in Soviet devices. I must agree to Mister.X with German - i for example compare with this https://brandenburg.museum-digital.de/singleimage?imagenr=33422 This RK series was not the standard for GDR HIFI.
NAD I have an NAD 6300 and NAD 616 deck. Both had been sitting for awhile, so I brought them out to exercise them when I got my old NAD 3020 integrated amplifier back from its first service ever. Nando.
There are two of my Technics decks. Both fully modified. The top one is equipped with Amorphous head combo. I also got a Pioneer CT 939 mark II and a few other decks.
I love that Technics Design Era but sadly I don't have many of their decks, they just didn't show up that often. Thanks for sharing.