next level collection i have 2 limited edition d311, unfortunate not in box. to me, best sony design the dj50, 2nd the d515, 3rd d555.also love...
toocool i wouldn't change either, your setup is complete. time for music, lots of music..
toocool i agree, cables do make a difference. but to my surprise it's not the expensive cables to have better sound. of course you have to listen...
i'm jealous. wish i had a music room. volume 11. tja, headphones for me. nice CD collection... in this room, perhaps mbl 101... or just neumann...
where is my sony d555 [MEDIA]
you can easy fast forward or reverse in song. normally it's a button, but a wheel is far more convenient. just dail forward or back. it surprises...
the reason i bought the gustard. at that time, it was one of the few who had AES and is balanced, my whole system is balanced. and it also had the...
have a studer d730, use the AES-> mogami cable-> gustard x16. it's 1-2 level better sounding than the studer's 1547 dac. sound is transparant....
buy a cd-player with AES or toslink. use a chinese DAC = total next level sound. go for cd-players with philips cdm mech
rare find. cassette
wow, that's professional setup love this
autoreverser, nicee do you have a nagra?? thorens, sony d5, nagra, knows his stuff.. damn wish i had a house. could place all my cd's and lp's.
d311 best portable sony there is. prefer d777=tube sound. but it's not worth it. unless you like the 90's cd sound
cd's rock, pop, jazz are best till +/-1993. from 1993 and later, compression. it's such an ugly sound. too much treble, sometimes it sounds if...
nice TT's
hi toocool, back in business. ;) autoreverser: yes, the old board. i think there were only 5 members or so at the walkman forum, boombox was the...
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