Does anyone use 1.5v AA usb rechargeable batteries for DD series walkman? Batteries are limited to 2A currents
Like this? That transparent space at the bottom is super glue. I cut the spring and used its ends to make a reinforcement.
You can bond it with Loctite G E L super glue. You need to wait 12h to cure. I have one such part that I played with and after gluing you can...
Here is mechanism. Pulley far left is moving pulley. it accepts smaller diameter belts . Mine is 68mm . But i will get something like 70,73... It...
Here it is.
Yes it is KT-4078 with radio.
Hello ,any info on drive belt size for this model? Thanks.
Hello everyone. I want to buy external battery for this model aiwa ex 200 mk2 euro collection series .Any colour.
Hi everyone,any info on the belt size for this model?
The battery is PBS-5A 2V ,with two pins on the top.
It is PBS-5A 2V battery.
New in my small collection. Belt replaced. Pinch rollers restored. Works exellent. The battery is a nightmare. Im trying to make battery myself...
And I am surprised that I was able to connect belts usually I do not do this.But I was impatient.
I tried side on side method but there is lot of flutter.
No,it is end to end.
One month since I put them together and still working.
These belts are connected with super [ATTACH] glue. Do you see a place of compound?.
Yes,I bought a larger diameter belt, cut it to the correct diameter, take the sandpaper, processing ends to glue caught and connect belt. Then...
Another thing I would like to add. The smaller belt is timing belt, and the mechanism contain encoder switch.It is the two pin swich. If belt...
These are 22mm and 30mm. Hm,I do not know,however,super glue gel type works.These Aiwa walkmans are ungrateful for repair.
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