Hello! I have a simple question, sure obvious for many, but of unknown answer for me: Is it possible to demagnetize the head of a walkman, using a demagnetizer intended for open reel tape recorders? Would it cause a damage? Thanks in advance for any information. Regards.
What more do you need, you have all the info to the question you asked. Just don't touch or scratch the head with the wand. Don't forget to demag the whole tape path.
Thanks. Now you have been a little more explanatory. The tip of the demagnetizer has a plastic cover. It wouldn't scratch the head. Regards.
Wow, that thing looks old, mine is longer and more egg shaped with a longer tip for easier access to tight spaces.
I must only add that the picture was taken from internet. It's the same model, but not dirty as this one.
This is the one I have. Might be old or even older. But it does its job with no complaints on my TEAC A-4300SX. That's why I was asking if it could also be used on a walkman. Regards to all of you.
I'm pretty sure they are universal but don't know, I don't even know how they measure the "strength" of the unit. I know my Realistic Tape Eraser weighs a ton compared to these little tape head models.