AIWA PL-303 restoration: how to adjust bi-azimuth?

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Fulltimehuman, Mar 1, 2025.

  1. Fulltimehuman

    Fulltimehuman Member

    Trophy Points:
    Bremen, Germany
    I just received an NOS, in-the-box AIWA PL-303 in mint condition and restored it over the last few evenings. The restoration went fine and the device is playing nicely, but there are two smaller gripes: there is a high-pitched whining/ringing noise accompanying playback, but it's only really audible between songs, and, secondly, the quality of the sound has so far been lackluster: the mids are very muddled and the highs are almost gone. There's obviously something not ok, but the channels are both there and all other functions such as DSL are fine and influence the sound in the proper way.

    I was considering having a look at the bi-azimuth function as the head looks slightly crooked to my eye when looking down at it from the top. Does anyone have a good grasp of how to adjust this two-screw adjustment system?

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