You know you are getting old when you only recognise 3 out of the artists in the top 10. Does anyone know anything about the Tesco boombox ? The GPO Brooklyn has made it into Argos who have 883 shops here in the UK. It is interesting that the retro revivals are happening just as they predict that games consoles will be replaced by streaming services. I think it is reaction against the "rent everything" philosophy that seems to be taking over. A disabled guy I used to know had a favourite expression "I decided to invest in <insert latest purchase here>. Millennials must be getting to the point where they spend their months wages and have literally nothing to show for it. I have commented before that before streaming a Record Token (which could also be exchanged for CDs or Tapes) was a present Grandmas knew they couldn't go wrong with.
That's great that GPO Brooklyn seems to be doing good business, it's one of the very few where they took everything in consideration when they designed it. This is a much better article and maybe one day we'll get a little credit, the boombox & Walkman guys have never left this format and kept it going all of these years.
Nice article indeed. Also don't worry @Longman I'm still considered young and don't know all of them either. I've only heard of that one listed as 1st a couple of weeks ago for the first time (and I'd probably be expected to know).