Hello, I am a collector of portable electronics since the 1960s. At first with transistor radios, and then tape recorders. My first portable cassette machine was an Olympus SR11 microcassette recorder/player/radio, also known as the RoadRunner. My friend just found me a WM-F2 at the Goodwill. In remarkably good shape, but with an expired belt. Hoping to find others who like the microcassettes as well as the Walkman type cassette.
Welcome to the community, Guy! Goodwill stores closed down here in Canada (due to tax issues) - I miss them! Cheers.
welcome aboard, guy ! jorge, i guess he means those microcassette, mainly used in reporter-type machines. there were also some stereo-ones available like this SONY M-50 (...pic from page "pocketcalculatorshow"): there were more of those, i think by FISHER and AIWA etc...
i do own a M-50 (unfortunately without fm-cartridge) for quite a while now, the problem is to find a way to record something in stereo onto the tapes. i used to have a mini-cassette boombox from GRUNDIG in stereo and MINERVA in mono - both recorded, but on the M-50 the sound was rather dull. in fact, just because of the M-50 i was looking for a micro-cassette deck for a while but gave up...
...found this on ebay (...not mine !) - maybe somebody is interested: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Fisher-Stere...919595?hash=item1ed04ff3eb:g:Z9wAAOSwnwZZzNEE
Microcassette boombox: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-FIS...VIqYf0QqwUtMdcmgW2XBA%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc Probably fake shill bids though.