Hi all. I'm a new member. Mr. X may have posted my request already but I'm not seeing it so thought I would post here with a sketch. When I was in high school I had a Walkman type cassette player which I could swear was from AIWA and it had one face entirely open. You pressed the tape onto the splines and that was it. It had a thick end which housed the controls and head unit and a thin "back" out of which the splines poked. I recall it being brushed silver metal with redish markings, some switches, and a few very tiny LED indicator lights. I'm attaching a sketch here in case that helps to jog anyone's memory. I went to high school in Hawaii so there's a chance that this unit was more of a Pacific Rim import from Japan that never made it to the mainland. Anyway, I'd appreciate any help anyone can provide. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing any photos of similar if not the same sort of unit. Thanks!
I don’t know any like that. To be honest, it’d be a terrible design and I doubt any maker would have done it. All I can think is someone removed the cover (easy to do) and used their player like that.
I have that model. It's a Toshiba or a Hitachi kso1 or kv01 or something like that. But the player if I remember right is smaller than the cassette itself and The cassette sticks out from the player I bought one years ago and I never unboxed it so it's in my stuff somewhere. That's what I know off the top of my head. Maybe that'll help you search for that model. I could go inside and dig it out but I'm not going to right now LOL
Wow and flutter (or stutter) in this case (or: without a proper case) would be through the roof. I agree with your statement.
It still has a cover door, even if the top edge of the tape poles out. There also a shinaon MM-1 which is smaller than the Toshiba … but it too has a cassette door.
First thing I thought was is the WM-30 / WM-10II which, with the face off, fits your sketch perfectly. Even the headphone jack is in the same position. Second definitely the TOSHIBA KT-AS10 https://walkman.land/toshiba/KT-AS10 Can't imagine the sound quality and yes W&F would be all that good. None of these have the 'front off' though. So unless you had a broken walkman with the door removed, those are the only two I could think of.
Thanks for the thoughts and feedback everyone. It's been enough to jog my memory. As it turns out, it was not as AIWA that I remember. Many you you seem to have realized this before me. However, it wasn't the Toshiba either. The link to Walkman land website helped. As it turns out, I was imagining the open side the whole time. What I had was the WM-10 Super Walkman... very thin and lightweight but fully enclosed after all. This was by far my favorite device of the many that I owned over the years. Thank you all for your help. It's been a fun walk down memory. https://walkman.land/sony/wm-10