Are There Any Thorough “Shockwave”-Series Panasonics?

Discussion in 'Other formats: DCC, MD, Reel 2 reel, CD...' started by Easthelp, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Florida, USA
    Hello, people. It’s been a moment or two since I posted any messages here on (Or on any ‘site, really. But that’s another story.)

    Anyway, can anyone be friend enough to share any experience – that is, any good, reassuring experience – playing CDs that are not ”Redbook-compliant”? I am thinking of playing those types of CDs with any of the Shockwave series of Panasonic CD players made since 1999. (Inspired by my November 2019 message to an eBay seller, I think that CDs that are “not ’Redbook-compliant’” are: CDs not always mastered in a million-dollar recording studio by audio engineers and sold in large volumes, CDs not always made in a factory, “home-burned” CD-Rs that lack the microscopic underside “pits” that hold data, CDs over 74 minutes, etc.)

    Thanks in advance for any advice (pretty pictures of boombox–CD player hookups included) that you can share. Have a good day.

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