So I've been after the silver version of this Sanyo mini forever............!! Today my dream came true!! Thanks to Ian who swapped my red one for this one!! Love it......... Needs rebelt & these are easy for me - Will be done over weekend! Thanks Buddy
It looks really small, I've been on a little mini-bender lately, it's hard to resist the small guys and some of them sound really good.
how are these speakers wired? have to find SM for one of these boxes, the "ambience" factor should sound interesting! Remember that when shopping for my first hi-end I really loved the sound of Definitive Technology speakers (now rebranded into Golden Ear Technology)
They are wired in parallel for normal stereo, however on this model you can press the red button & it's supposed to deliver a stereo image to the ears only standing up on it's end........ I doubt many bothered with this function as it messes up the sound completely I good old normal left/right stereo, these sound ridiculously good & make you wonder how such a tiny thing can sound like it does! This is a mini well worth seeking out! Even re-belting is easy to mid range on the difficulty level! One tiny little belt & flywheel with an enhanced motor speed control seem to achieve the impossible amazing sound these produce!!
It IS really small - I think that's why they are so beautiful & desirable........The incredible sound is almost a bonus!
You say that a mini-boombox like this Sanyo M-S400L sounds “really good” and that it sounds “ridiculously good,” eh, Mister X and Mr Eccles? But...what happens come “tape indexing” time? Where’s the tape counter? Is this sonically lauded sound system a “Classical Age” portable that actually omits the requisite trio of “black on white” or “white on black” place-marking rollers? I got my eye on you ...
Easthelp, as a young boy I was always told to listen to albums the entire way through. While sometimes the song order is changed on cassettes, I still like to use that practice and enjoy what the artists were attempting to create. I rarely use a tape counter unless I'm testing out a deck with issues. As far as the sonic qualities, it's all relative, I heard about a study from the 20's where they thought the newest, latest and greatest albums sounded exactly like the real thing and they couldn't tell the difference with a live band.