Battered and bruised Aiwa HS-PX30

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by givemeyourwalkmans, Jun 25, 2024.

  1. givemeyourwalkmans

    givemeyourwalkmans Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    It's a sad day for me...

    A week ago I picked up my first Aiwa HS-PX30/303/900.

    This one was specifically the much rarer PX-900 variant.

    Today I got it and the overall condition of the device I can only describe as kind of heart-breaking.
    • It's missing screws the photos showed.
    • It's missing the remote switch which the photos showed.
    • The gumstick battery door is almost completely busted.
    • The bottom left screw area is horribly scratched up.
    • There is additional rust on the interior.
    None of the above issues were described in any of the photos I saw. There were a lot of photos, from a lot of different angles but a lot of blur and I believe some editing was used to cover up lots of the damage and especially the missing parts were shown, but arrived missing.

    I didn't pay "too much" for the Walkman but given that I was hoping it would end a years long search. I felt pretty jaded when I finally held this device for the first time... For the damage to this nice device more than the hit to my wallet. I was expecting the condition to be lower than I would normally accept but I was willing to accept that.

    Lastly, it's important to mention that the device needed to be recapped and whilst it would power on. Nothing happened and the logic controls were broken. It also didn't come with the case, remote, battery adapter, AC adapter, headphones or any other accessories whatsoever. Just the player on its own.

    Of course I contacted the seller and told him how I felt and whilst he strongly disagreed and argued I had no right to complain despite me proving he had not only taken photos which showed it having the screws and switch that I got with them missing. Plus showing all the damage (photos below). Which was either blurred or omitted due to camera angles. He agreed to make an exception and accept a return for 100% refund. I had also offered the possibility of accepting a 50% refund.

    During the initial process of writing to the seller. A few thoughts crossed my mind. Could I take this apart carefully and dump the metal in a vat of hydrochloric/muriatic/whatever acid to smooth off the scratches (but then also the paint and all text too). What was I willing to do, to finally end this years long search and get the device in a condition I could accept. I had passed on dozens of devices over many years that were in better condition but also 7-10x more expensive. Why was I willing to pay so much for a Sony I didn't even really care so much about, but not this model I really do and let them pass when I saw the prices.

    Some photos below of the condition. Maybe it would be fine for some; well you can get it from the seller yourself then if you see it somewhere (I won't post links). But I couldn't accept this condition for the price I paid. It's hard to see even from some of these close ups, the bent and peeling away plastic on the battery door. The warping of some of the metal and damage to the open button and among other things.

    Either this device was used daily for quite a few years and treated like it wasn't very important, or it was handled by a negligent infant. At least as far as the totally unnecessary scratches to the screw areas go.

    The search continues.

    WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 13.36.16_1c60cf75.jpg WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 13.36.16_39f7e395.jpg WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 13.37.47_885e991e.jpg WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 14.07.48_325031c7.jpg WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 14.07.48_3e335ead.jpg WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 14.07.48_1d43aad7.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2025
  2. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    That is an unfortunate experience. Such cases where the seller is cunning and provides pictures that carefully omit to show scratched up and missing screws and other defects is a sad tale indeed. Sounds like the pictures shown in the sale advertisement were old and then the seller tried to "get it working" by taking it apart and messing around and incompetently losing screws etc,.

    For certain top models that are collectible it is necessary to spend big bucks to get the unit in excellent condition with accessories. (Unless one is lucky enough to score one of those rare auctions from a clueless seller that has a low low price.) The logic of near mint exterior condition meaning the internal wear is likely very low too is clearly true and valid in my opinion. At times like this I feel grateful that I am not afflicted with the bug of "collectoritis"... which would surly drive me around the bend and into a straitjacket :wink: (I may "go back into the fray" and get a fresher mint D-555 and WM-D6 in the near future once I have money to spend again. The logic of "why" is not rational or clear even to me. It is a weird compulsion like some kind of fetish. I worry if I am slipping into the first stages of collectoritis?)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024

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