Bluetooth conversion on an old Hitachi boombox

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by mankamaz, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. mankamaz

    mankamaz Administrator Staff Member

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    Originally posted by:

    Hi all,

    Came across the forum doing some googling of my new Hitachi boombox.

    I would like to make it Bluetooth compatible with minimal tech expertise.

    I saw some old threads on the subject but saw no conclusions.

    My options seem to be:

    A: Get a little AA battery powered Bluetooth receiver and stick it to the side and run into the DIN in.

    B: Open up the boombox and hide it in there somewhere. Or hide it in the battery compartment when not in use.

    C: Hide a mains powered receiver inside somewhere and run the power lead out next to the mains power for the boombox its self.

    The tape deck is out of action so I could remove some of its workings and put any new bits in there.

    Any other ideas or tips?

    Anyone found a good AA powered Bluetooth receiver?

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