Hi everyone. I need some help please. I have a Sony d-100 discman. When i press play disc spins but stops after a few seconds. Someone has kindly said it could be dried up grease. 1-what type of grease do i use and where can i get it? 2- The d-100 used a reinforced belt to provide the necersary torque because it was such a slim walkman. If the belt is the cause can it still be obtained? 3- How difficult is it to get into? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
the easiest would be to open the bottom plate and take a look here is what I saw when I opened my D-100: as you can see, the infamous "middle gear" between the motor and the sled disappeared: it crumbled into small pieces and was scattered inside: If you do not want to open it, then follow the standard procedure: with lid open and without CD on the platter force it into Play (you need to engage the lid switch and figure out a way to press Play). Laser mechanism should move to the center, then laser should fire up, then lens should go up and down trying to lock onto (absent) CD, then Discman shuts down. If sled is broken, then servo shuts it down not even firing the laser. Hope this helps