Hi Jorge. Did not see your reply, sorry. Have just spotted it on best topics of the week. Thank you for your reply. Am having difficulty using this site. Having problems with sending and replying. Old school i guess. Hate computers. Appologies again. Do you know anything about this special reinforced belt sony used in this discman? Thanks again, Derek.
photo of that famous cogged belt, from the motor to CD platter, similar to belt-driven turntables. Further back you can also see regular rubber belt for the laser sled mechanism. However, this is the photo of my D-50MkII (aka D-7) D-100 does not have any belts: already mentioned crumbling middle gear for the sled and CD platter pressed direct onto the motor shaft, as in all CD spinners (except for CEC CD transports of course).
Hi jorge. The post says im ignoring you. That is not true. I must have pressed something. Anyway thanks fir all your help and the great photos. Just wanted to let you know.