Hi everyone. Just listening to my Sony D-350. When listening i like to attach the BP-100 battery pack to it which came with the D-Z555. It just clicks on the same way which proves the dimentions of the two are exacyly the same. I just think it adds to the cosmetic effect. I just want to know if anyone else has ever tried doing this as well. Just something a little different. Look forward to heating from anyone.
I keep my D-350 in its plastic clamshell even when listening (or should I say especially when listening) but totally agree with you. Discmans sound slightly better off the batteries vs. walwarts. All original BP-100 are dead by now, where did you get yours? I restored mine with 20xAAA NiMH cells:
Hi Jorge. Sorry late reply. Had message hidden. Must have pressed something by mistake. Sorry about that. I have never used the b.p.100 but i remember buying 1 at the Sony centre in Birmingham. I already had 1 that came with the d-100 discman. Glad you got yours working.
if just for looks, use Discman Car kit antivibration plate as in the second photo here: it looks the same as dead BP-100, same fit, and once you cut off its 30V cig wire it makes for a nice "antivibration plate" Does not improve SQ of lowly Discmans, but makes me feel good about myself that I treated my little babies the same way I am treating my beloved Naim CDS3 Kaosun of kaosuncd.com will fix your dead battery pack, should you decide to do so, for next to nothing! Running off batteries does make the Babies sing better!