"Electric Ladyland" Hendrix 50th, on Cassette

Discussion in 'Cassettes' started by KJ Bleus Parsons, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. KJ Bleus Parsons

    KJ Bleus Parsons Active Member

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    MadCity, WI USA
    My latest little project, commemorating the Jimi Hendrix Experience & "Electric Ladyland" 50th anniversary boxed release during Nov 2018. I possess the SHM CD release from 1997, that is absolutely exemplary in audio output.... The SHM CD releases from Japan are really the best around, in my opinion.

    Here's my cassette j-card artwork, encasing a Maxell Metal Vertex C-90.... The entire double album comfortably fits onto a C-90 length, also allows for a redux of my fav track, 'Voodoo Child" at 15:03 mins.

    A+ Ladyland SHM-Cass FrntCov.jpg

    Well, the 50th Anniv remaster is slightly more robust than the SHM CD (my opinion again), and deserves a special edition on cassette with custom j-card. I'm working on that during the holidays, hoping to complete artwork and recording to another Maxell MV C-90 cassette.

    I'll update the thread when project is complete.

    Holidays Cheers,


    A+ Ladyland SHM-Cass BckCov.jpg

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