Fantavox: born by Hape N.V. and Standard Radio Corp. (Japan) collaboration.

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by Retro Audio Museum, Jun 11, 2023.

  1. Retro Audio Museum

    Retro Audio Museum Active Member

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    The Netherlands
    Manufactured in 1971 by Standard Radio Corp. in Japan, Fantavox Model-31A portable mono cassette recorder was exclusively made for Hape N.V., an esteemed electronic distributor based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hape N.V. boasted an impressive lineup of audio equipment, including BSR HiFi record players, Fantavox cassette recorders, radio cassette recorders, tuners, loudspeakers, headphones, sound systems, and car radios.
    The Fantavox Model-31A embraces simplicity and functionality in its compact form. Designed for on-the-go recording, it captures audio in mono, offering convenience without compromising performance. The automatic level control ensures that your recordings maintain a consistent volume, avoiding abrupt fluctuations that could compromise sound quality.
    Connectivity is a key aspect of the Fantavox03.jpg Model-31A, enabling seamless integration with external audio devices. The inclusion of mini-jack sockets allows for effortless connection with headphones, microphones, and even external audio sources. Additionally, the recorder supports a "start-stop" remote control, empowering users to initiate or pause recordings from a distance.
    Speaking of the Fantavox brand, it's hard not to playfully tease a connection to a certain popular carbonated beverage. While the Fantavox Model-31A won't quench your thirst, it will certainly satisfy your audio recording needs! Just like its fizzy namesake, the Fantavox Model-31A is a delightful companion that captures memories and moments with a spark of nostalgia. So, whether you're a fan of Fanta or Fantavox, this portable cassette recorder is sure to leave a lasting impression!
    While the Fantavox Model-31A might not quench your thirst like its soda namesake, it certainly offers a refreshing trip down memory lane. So go ahead, dust off those old cassettes, and let the Fantavox Model-31A transport you to a time when capturing audio memories was a treasured experience. Remember, with the Fantavox Model-31A, your memories will never go flat!
    And as a parting gift, here's a lighthearted joke: "Why did Fantavox refuse to join the soda business? Because it wanted to stick to its true calling—recording 'fantastic' sounds instead of fizzling out as a 'Fanta'-stic drink!"
    Part of the collection of the Retro Audio Museum (Lelystad, the Netherlands), and is not for sale.
    Emiel and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    This was by far the most popular style unit for listening to tapes back in those early days around here. We'd even record the TV shows/movies to listen to later. I never saw a "stereo" version until much later, I think they were much more expensive and cassettes were still an unproven new thing. I think I was still using one until boomboxes and VCRs got popular in the early 80's.

    There's a good story on TapeHeads somewhere of one of the early Marantz Engineers going to Japan and sourcing out parts and machines; I think Standard made their early transistorized recievers and eventually Marantz ended up buying Standard, so this could be similar to the early Marantz Tape Decks.
    Retro Audio Museum likes this.

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