Hi guys, I am probably the happiest person alive! Look what I found and luckily got my hands on... 37 years old and brand new, unbelievable! Never used before. More pictures at my website... https://70cd555.com/finally-a-brand-new-boxed-and-never-used-philips-cd555-in-perfekt-condition/
Does it work? I seem to recall that every CD555 you have bought to date has needed major parts rebuilding / replacing.
Oh I am pretty sure it works. It got never ever powered-up ...but the question is how long it would work Pretty sure the belt is weak and the gear is brittle. Means it will break within hours. Speakers are included - I left them in the box. Anyway, it will remain in its original state and never gets touched or disassembled. It's such a rare item that has to stay as it is. I have enough other Cd555s to play around. I have to say my new firmware for the CD-Player with FTS works absolutely great! In the meantime I also reimplemented the function to jump to an index. Took me a while to find an Audio-CD which not only uses tracks but also indexes. The only function which I have not implemented right now is the "service-mode" to check the CDM drive.