I've always enjoyed music and own a lot of gratitude to the small boomboxes I've Own through the years. After many years with high-end audio gear and especially the cd media I've found the Philips d8884 to house a really good cd player and actually the only one I've seen to reveal the original 16 bit non oversampling design they designed and with a very special power supply it plays better than my other stuff. I have been through the basic electronics school in '86 but implications stopped me. Nevertheless I just enjoy having the freedom to be able to renew and modify audio gear as a very giving hobby. Giant killer that little boombox cd - ehh, have to admit I have cut 2 of them to only house the cd but my one white Magnavox stay original and beautyfull.
Welcome! You may be the first member from Greenland! What is the boombox/Walkman Culture like there or audio in general? I don't have many CD boomboxes but I love the look of the vertical player models, unfortunately they're kind of rare around here.