Hi everyone. Does anyone else have any information about the Sony ecr-500 e/static headphones? Have a pair i bought back in the seventies, used once and then put back in their box. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you.
Here's a couple Japanese Websites with the Sony ECR-500. You'll have to run through Google Translate to read them. https://zigsow.jp/item/272295/review/242527 http://blog.livedoor.jp/maa17kimu/archives/17664726.html And some specs on The Audio Circuit Website. http://www.audiocircuit.com/Home-Audio/Sony/ECR-500 I have some Stax that would be similar but I haven't pulled them out in years, I just use Pioneer Headphones, mainly for testing sound output these days and not for easy listening. They look impressive but I never see anything but old Pioneer, Koss and sometimes Sansui headphones out in my travels. One of the blogs says they are the first headphones Sony made in-house, all previous models were outsourced.