Hello from Iowa/Malaysia!

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by shannonscx10, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. shannonscx10

    shannonscx10 New Member

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    Hello everyone! I'm Shannon.

    I come from Malaysia but have been living stateside for a while now.

    I've always been a fan of tape based formats since I was young. Growing up, my family did not have a home computer let alone internet access for a long time. So I spent plenty of time making mixtapes off my cheap radio at home.

    I'd call in to a radio station and request a song I liked and would sit by the radio ready to record the song to a cassette as soon as they played it lol.

    Despite analogue audio formats being outdated, they have not lost any of their appeal to me. I'm happy to join a bunch of like minded individuals here :)
    On The Beach and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome neighbor! Back in the 70's/80's we did that all the time with radio, those were good times.
    On The Beach likes this.
  3. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Active Member

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    Vancouver Canada
    Yep welcome to the the forums. Up to around 1998 or 1999 I was still recording the rare piece from FM radio to cassette. With a junk Sanyo boombox from 1990. No internet and no information about anything, couldn't understand all the tape types and what they meant or which ones to buy, no music info. Just random buying mix CD's in the music stores and hoping to find something worth listening to.

    For me these were Desperate times, the bad old days, tons of frustration and wasting money on garbage CD's based on a rumor or vague clue from listening the radio at night, combing through the stations etc.,

    That all started to end in 2000 when I got dial up internet and could at least find out genres of music and artist names. Then late 2001 with ADS and file share hubs... finally broke through and started to find all the music I never knew existed and that the radio never played.
    On The Beach likes this.

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