When I was a lad school let me take their boombox/ghettoblaster home with me, (it was a lot safer with me than being left in school - bit of a rough area). I'd make compilation tapes off the radio and play them back in the common room. Each day I would lug it the mile or so back and forth, it was big, heavy & expensive. I'd really like to find what that box was and get one for old times' sake. Only problem is I've forgotten the make and model.... Hope to see it here! Cheers Dayv
Welcome and good luck! I'd just grab a box for now and relive the old days while searching. I like to listen to the radio and doing it through a vintage box is the best way and friends love seeing the cool old technology. I found my first box on ebay, I posted a thread awhile back with photos of it. Mine wasn't special but that thing got a ton of use back then until I left it overnight at work and it was gone in the morning. I had no interest in replacing it but for the skaters and BMXers I hung out with, music playing was icing on the ollie cake. we all had something for portable music.
Hi and thanks for getting in touch. I have to confess I have picked up a few 'grails' in the past couple of months, JVC B90, Panasonic dt680, Sony FH-7, JVC 656, all for less than £20 and all in need of repair/poor condition. They are all now in very good condition and all working The FH-7 didn't come with speakers or face plate on the amp so they are on my wish list. I've found a great little hobby refurbing classic boxes, and am on the lookout for more to mend - I have zero previous electrical knowledge but am picking it up as I go along, soldering has been difficult (and painful) but I'm getting there. They don't make them like they used to!
Very nice! I'm in the same boat with some basic skills. If you haven't seen my recommendations, I have a handful starting with get a silicone electronics work mat, a multimeter, and a soldering workstation. The soldering workstation is so nice and the import ones are cheap and great for beginners if you can't justify spending more on the top-end units. Watch My Mate Vince and Techmoan Repair Videos, they repair a lot of the common issues, My Mate Vince also has limited skills but has really grown and the commenters have helped him with equipment and tool upgrades, he does a few Walkmans and boxes. Soldering can be frustrating if you don't have the proper equipment, little tools like articulated alligator clips and suction pumps make the job much easier. There's a million books and articles on the Wayback Machine, I was going to start a thread one of these days but here's a rough link, you may have to search some more. The books that don't have "borrow" under them can be downloaded as PDFs. There's some really good one on here, along with any other subject you may be interested in. https://archive.org/search.php?query=soldering&sin=TXT