Being a big fan of Vintage gear, and (trying) repairing them, I've been absorbing information for a while. Your tips saved me from headaches how to get things sorted and running, however some solutions I had to fix with my own savvy... My projects involve tape decks, walkman, boom boxes, Reel to Reel machines, phonographs, speakers and many non audio related stuff ;o)
Hello and welcome to the forum, @Frankable ! I really liked your custom glass table with vinyl records as legs ! Also the back part of the WM-D3 table reel ! You seem to work on a lot of different projects, so I'm looking forward to see pictures from you.
Haha!!! I can't post everything I fix and make...Our moderator would not be happy, when I post more non-portable-mono-gear... However maybe two foto's of a mono device could be permitted ;o)